Measuring School Settings: The Preschool Educational Environment Rating System

The Preschool Educational Environment Rating System (PEERS) is a measure designed to examine the quality of instruction in preschool settings. Unlike other rating scales, it not only measures the environment, it also examines both how teachers construct their classroom for instruction and the quality of the enactment of instruction.

Designed by Professor Susan B. Neuman (New York University), on behalf of the Albert Shanker Institute, for a collaboration with the Saint Louis Public School System, the PEERS is an evidence-based measure that can be used as an observational tool by administrators to more fully understand and assess the environments and instruction they provide to their students, with the ultimate goal of improving children’s academic outcomes.

Although we have chosen to make this instrument free for all to use, we do recommend that it be implemented with the proper professional development. To find our more about PEERS professional development options, please contact us at
