The Albert Shanker Institute Research Grant Program

The Shanker Institute awards small seed grants to emerging scholars doing promising work in our focus areas of education, labor and international democracy. The purpose of the grants is to assist recipients in developing their research into articles for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals.

The paper titles below, as well as positions/affiliations of the grantees, reflect information at the time of the grant.

Please note: We do not accept applications for these grants.

Current and past recipients are listed below:


Luis A. Rodriguez

Affiliation: Vanderbilt University's Peabody College (Ph.D. candidate)

Paper: Teacher Tenure Reform in Tennessee

Status: In progress

David Sherer and Johanna Barmore

Affiliation: Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Paper: Investigating the Effects of Teacher Collaboration on Student Learning: Exploring Teaching Quality as a Moderator

Status: Under review


Walker Swain

Affiliation: Vanderbilt University's Peabody College (Ph.D. candidate)

Paper: Children's Health Insurance and Academic Achievement: Assessing the Causal Impact on Early Learning Measures

Status: Under review by the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Presented at the 2013 APPAM annual conference and the 2014 AEFP annual conference.

David Blazar

Affiliation: Harvard University Graduate School of Education (doctoral student)

Paper: Teacher and Teaching Effects on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviors 

Status: Forthcoming in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Rachel Baker

Affiliation: Stanford University (Ph.D. candidate)

Paper: Getting from A(A) to B(B): The effect of structured transfer pathways in community colleges

Status: Forthcoming in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. PDF available here.

John Lane

Affiliation: Michigan State University (Ph.D. candidate)

Paper: Political science: How micro-politics influence teacher evaluation systems

Status: In progress


Matthew Shirrell

Affiliation: Northwestern University (post-doctoral fellow)

Paper: The Effects of Subgroup-Specific Accountability on Teacher Turnover and Attrition: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from North Carolina

Status: Forthcoming in Education Finance and Policy.

Joelle Rodway Macri

Affiliation: University of Toronto (Ph.D. candidate)

Paper: Connecting the Dots: Mapping the Terrain within a Research Brokering Network

Status: Published in Education Policy Analysis Archive, Volume 23, Number 123 (December 2015).


Lauren Schudde

Affiliation: Teachers College, Columbia University (post-doctoral research associate)

Paper: Unveiling Sources of Persistent Inequality in American Higher Education: A New Look at the “Experiential Core” of College Life

Status: Submitted to Social Forces (revise and resubmit); winner, Educational Problems Graduate Student Paper Award 2013 (Society for the Study of Social Problems); Maureen T. Hallinan Graduate Student Paper Award 2013, honorable mention (American Educational Research Association, Sociology of Education Special Interest Group).

Peter Kinsley

Affiliation: University of Wisconsin – Madison (Ph.D. candidate)

Paper: How Family Dynamics Affect the College Experiences of Low-Income Students

Status: Presented at AERA conference, April 2015

Travis Bristol

Affiliation: Columbia University, Ph.D., recipient of the first-ever Teacher Diversity Award from the The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Paper: An Exploration Into How the In-School Experiences of Black Male Teachers Differ Across One Urban School District

Status: Under review

Jimmy Kristom

Affiliation: Stockholm University (graduate student)

Paper: Breaking Boundaries: Occupy Wall Street and Union Alliances in New York

Status: In progress


Eleanor Fulbeck

Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania (post-doctoral fellow)

Paper: Review of the Evidence on the Impact of Incentives on Teacher Retention

Status: In progress