Wednesday | April 19, 2023

The Supreme Court of the United States was established as one of three co-equal branches of America’s national government, with the power to strike down unconstitutional laws and acts of government as well as uphold laws and acts that protect Constitutional rights. The Founders gave the Court this power for the express purpose of safeguarding the rights and freedom of the American people and protecting against abuses of government power. However, in its most recent set of decisions in 2022, the extremist majority of the Supreme Court has struck down long-standing precedents and long-enduring laws, with the elimination of guarantees for many of our rights and freedoms. Though even before these recent rulings, extremists on the nation’s high court have been undermining some of our basic freedoms, such as voting rights. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, AFT President Randi Weingarten and a distinguished panel discussed these decisions of the court and their impact on abridging Americans’ basic freedoms and what we can do.


Welcome and Preview of Cases Before the Supreme Court

AFT President Randi Weingarten: Why the Supreme Court matters to the AFT and the union movement

KEYNOTE: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

Additional Speakers:

    • Frank Flynn, president, Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals 
    • Fred Kowal, president, United University Professions/SUNY
    • GlenEva Dunham, president, AFT Indiana; president, Gary Teachers Union
    • Stasha Rhodes, Democracy Organizer

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