TITUS: Teacher Instructional Time Use Study


TITUS is a study about teachers' time use and the emotions teachers experience while working.

Please remember that only classroom teachers from our partner districts can sign up for the study. Participating teachers will receive a stipend of up to $190

In October 2019 we conducted TITUS orientation meetings in your district. If you could not make it to one of the meetings or would like to learn more about TITUS please watch this short video.


Signing Up

To participate in TITUS you must first sign up by completing two steps. 

Step 1: You must have received an email from Nathan R. Jones. Please click on the link provided in that email to review the study description, consent to participate, provide your contact information, and choose your dates for participating. 

Step 2: Please install a free app on your phone following the instructions you will receive by email after completing Step 1 and choose participation dates that are within your district's range (see below). 

  Rhode Island Connecticut
Wave 1 Oct 15 to Oct 25 Oct 21 to Nov 1
Wave 2 Nov 11 to Nov 22 Nov 4 to Nov 15
Wave 3 Feb 24 to Mar 6 Mar 2 to Mar 13
Wave 4

Apr 20 to May 1

(Postponed due to Covid-19)

Apr 20 to May 1

(Postponed due to Covid-19)


You will be signed up only when both steps 1 and 2 are completed.

Getting Help

  • Questions about signing up, dates for completing instruments, or technical issues: Nathan R. Jones, University of Wisconsin Survey Center.
  • General questions about the study: Eric Camburn, University of Missouri Kansas City.

This short video provides training on one of TITUS' instruments, the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) -- the survey you take at the end of the day.



Two school districts (one in Connecticut and one in Rhode Island), including their district and union leaders, as well as the partners listed below are collaborating in this study.

TITUS is supported by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences of the US Department of Education.