Ee Ling Low

Low obtained her B.A. (with direct honors) awarded to the top 1 percent of each cohort from the National University of Singapore, a master’s in philosophy and a Ph.D. in linguistics (acoustic phonetics) from the University of Cambridge, UK, under the Nanyang Technological University–National Institute of Education Overseas Graduate Scholarship. She was also awarded the Ministry of Education’s Humanities Scholarship which she pursued at Raffles Junior College. She won the Fulbright Advanced Research Scholarship in 2008, which she spent at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College; she embarked on her research expertise in teacher education while there. She played a leading role in the conceptualization of the NIE strategic road map (“NIE Moving Forward: Towards 2017”) and the development of the Teacher Education for the 21st century (TE21) model. She also co-led the NIE Strategic Roadmap 2022 in her capacity as chief planning officer, Director’s Office. In 2012, she was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Bronze) by the president of the Republic of Singapore for her dedication and commitment toward furthering the cause of education in Singapore. She attended the 25th Governance and Leadership Program run by the Civil Service College in 2018 and was elected as the cohort valedictorian. Low is an internationally renowned expert in teacher education and world Englishes and is constantly invited to deliver keynote addresses in both these disciplines. Her current H index is 28, and her total citations stand at 4,933. She has won competitive research grants in both fields both locally and internationally amounting to more than $2 million SGD.