Democracy Declaration
NY Times Print Ad - Sunday, 11/1/2020

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Last updated: 12/7/20, 1:20pm
- Jane Abbott
Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sandy Abbruzzese
Retired Teacher, UFT - Richard Abel
Professor Emeritus, UCLA - Barbara Abraham
retired, none - steven abraham
professor, SUNY Oswego - Alexis Abrams
Teacher, West-Linn Wilsonville School District - Samuel Abrash
Associate Professor, University of Richmond - Melissa Abrego
food service manager, mission 210 - lois aceto
professor, sisters of St. Dominic Racine WI - judith ackerman
retired educator, uft - Anne Ada
Teacher, IYCU - Rebecca Adae
IT Specialist, State University of New York at New Paltz - Richard Adamek
Special Education Teacher, Soliant Health - Cynthia Adams
Retired Educator, White Plains Public Schools - Joshua Adams
Professor of Cinema & Screen Studies, Oswego State University - David Adams
President, Billerica Federation of Teachers - Rosemary Adams
Adjunct professor, Retired - Gary Adams
Professor, Three Rivers Community Co - Philip Adelman
Retired Senior Professor, DeVry University - Nance Adler
Middle School History Teacher, Jewish Day School of Metro Seattle - A. Jay Adler
Adjunct Professor of English, Queens College, CUNY - Rabeka Alam
Professor, SUNY Geneseo - Pervaiz Alam
Professor, Kent State University - bernardo alayza mujica
consulting, coasap - Frederick Albert
AFT-WV President, AFT-WV - Deborah Alcorn
Retired teacher, NEA - John F Alderete
Professor, Washington State University - Marcia Alessi
teacher, St Paul the Apostle School - Brittany Alexander
Educator, Ohio and National BATs - Brian Alexander
Teacher, APS - Ayanna Alexander-Street
Doctoral Lecturer of Biology, Lehman College - Joseph Alicea
retired., none - NANCY ALLEN
Retired Professor, SUNY at Plattsburgh - Colleen Allen
Behavior specialist, FWPS - Barbara Allen
Associate Professor, La Salle University - Carl K Allender
Retired teacher, Calif. Teachers Assoc. - Carl K Allender
Retired teacher, Calif. Teachers Assoc. - Edward Alleyne
Health care professional, UUP - Michael Allington
Director, Technology Support Services, Binghamton University (SUNY) - Julia Allison
Resource Teacher, Creighton School District - Christi Alper
Teacher, PCTVS - Davida Alperin
Professor, University of Wisconsin - River Falls - Joan Alpers
Professor, Hofstra University - Amy Alsop
Teacher, IFT - Judy Alter
professor, AFT - John Aluisa
Programmer analyst, Stony Brook Medicine - Margaret Alvarado
Teacher, ESI - Luke Amphlett
Teacher, San Antonio Alliance of Teachers and Support Personnel - Guri Andermann
civil rights paralegal, retired , formerly with US EEOC - Glen Anderson
72-year-old lifelong supporter of democracy and fairness, Parallax Perspectives - Lynn Anderson
Professor, SUNY Cortland - Ami Anderson
Elementary Specialist, Indianapolis Public Schools - Judith Anderson
elementary school teacher, ADK - Mary Lee Anderson
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Valesia Anderson
Teacher, MDCPS - Kat Anderson-Wolff
ESL Teacher, Friendly House - Karen Andreasen
teacher, AFT - Dawn Andujo
Teacher, RRPS - JL Angell
retired, government - Iris Anorga Valenciano
Retired High School Administrator, Greenwich High School - Achilleas Antoniades
Ex Diplomat, Prineton U, Mathey College - Melissa Aponte
Teacher, Dallas ISD - Robert Applebaum
retired payroll & benefits Mgr., Am Mus. of NATURAL HISTORY - Bernadette Aragon-Kimber
Educational Diagnostician, Albuquerque Public Schools - Lee Arbetman
Executive Director, Street Law, Inc. - carol archer
retired teacher, SCTA - Cynthia Archer
teacher, AFT abq - Renee Armentrout
Teacher, Cuba High School - Nicole Armijo
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Amy Armistead
Office Manager, Nancy Langdon - Jennifer Armstrong
Reading Specialist, SSCSD - Craig Armstrong
Professor, U of Alabama - Kirstie Armstrong-Szlasa
Higher Education Administrator, State University of New Yrok - Eric Arn
Teacher, freelance - Ziya Arnavut
Professor, SUNY Fredonia - Alyssa Arnemann
PTA/PTO Board Member, Secretary, Grand Rapids Public Montessori / Forest Hills Public Northern Trails 5/6 - Dan Arnold
Director, Upstate Medical University - Kathleen Arnold
Professor, DePaul University - Samuel Arnold
Professor of Political Science, Texas Christian University - Barbara Aronowitz
Teacher, NYSUT - Cathy Arrighetta
Undergraduate Coordinator, Stony Brook University, SUNY - Raymundo Arroyave
Professor, Texas A&M University - Scott Arrrington
Teacher, School District of Oconee County - Mikaila Arthur
Professor of Sociology, Rhode Island College - Carol Aschenbrener
Physician-educator, Retired - Diane Aschenbrenner
Registered nurse and assistant professor, Notre Dame of Maryland University - Virginia Atkinson
professor (retired), Binghamton University - Sara Attleson
School Librarian, AFT, Local 1420 - Sara Attleson
School Librarian, AFT, Local 1420 - Rebecca Aumiller
Teacher, Public School - Diane Auslander
Professor, Lehman College CUNY - Lynne Austin
Spec Ed Teacher, BCPS - Ilhan Avcioglu
Teacher, Boston Public Schools - Vickie Avery
School bus driver, AFT #6341 - Jennie Avila
Teacher, HCC - dorothy avondstondt
professor, miami dade college - Solomon Ayo
Tech Support, SUNY - Beth B
Retired speech-language therapist, AFT - P K Babu
Professor, Western Illinois University - Kirsten Baetzhold
Teacher, AFT/NYSUT/SHEA member - Gary Bagnall
Legal Theorist, None - Norma Bailey
Retired Professor of Middle Level Education, Central Michigan University - Heather Bailey
Professor, University of Illinois Springfield - Caroline Bailey
Sr. Staff Assistant, UUP - JoEllen Bailey
Associate Professor, SUNY Cortland - Caroline Bailey
Sr. Staff Assistant, UUP - Judith Bailey
Retired Registered Nurse, Bailey Family - lois baker
no, none - Sharon Baker
retired teacher, none - Sanda Balaban
Co-founder/Director, YVote/Next Gen Politics - Doug Baldwin
Professor of Mathematics, SUNY Geneseo - Sharon Baldwin
Teacher, BCPS - Eva Balek
retired Teacher, IRTA,NEA - Rebecca Balestieri
Teacher, Jefferson Elementary School District - Shelby Balik
Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver - Nicole Ball
Literacy specialist, Unified Purpose - Kathleen Ballard
Adjunct Faculty, University of New York at Buffalo - STEFFANIE BALOG
5th Grade Teacher of Amazing Students, San Antonio ISD - Enrique Baloyra
twacher, North Miami Middle - Michael Balsai
Professor, Temple University - James Banner
Historian, Washington DC - Bat-Ami Bar On
Professor, Binghamton University (SUNY) - Shelley Baranowski
Distinguished Professor of History Emerita, University of Akron - Llana Barber
Associate Professor, SUNY Old Westbury - Mary Barbezat
Retired teacher, Retired - Nick Barcott
radiology tech, SEIU - William Bardach
Teacher, retired , UFT - Susan Bardach
Assistant Principal, NYC Department of Education - Jeffrey Barile
Retired fire captain, San Mateo Fire Department - ron barnes
SS Teacher, Johnston Co. Schools - William Barnes
Teacher, East Side UHSD - Constance Barnes
Adjunct, CUNY - Judith Barnett
Teacher, Los Angeles unified school district - Kristi Barnwell
Assoc. Professor, UPI 4100 - Deborah Barolsky
teacher, school - frank barone
Professor and Research Director, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Kimberly Barry
Teacher, Lawrence Teachers Union - Kimberly Barry
Teacher, Lawrence Teachers Union - Kimberly Barry
Teacher, Lawrence Teachers Union - Fred Bartels
Teacher, Retired - Kristen Bartholomew
Teacher, None - Roy Bartoo
Professor Emeritus,SUNY, UUP - Lois Baruch
teacher, UFT - kati bassler
educator, CFT - Margo Batha
Teacher, Los Alamos Public Schools - Tercido Batista
Teacher, Doe - Gertrude Battaly
Senior Adjunct Faculty, Mathematics, Westchester Community College - Rachel Baucom
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Deborah Bauder
Academic librarian, SUNY Oswego - Jan Baulsir
retired teacher, none - William Bauza
retired Middle School Science Educator, NY State Public School System-Frontier - Andy Baxter
Retired teacher, Aft member - Robert Beam
District Administrator, Yukon-Koyukuk School District - Tom Beatini
Retired Mathematics Teacher, Glen Rock Public Schools, Glen Rock, NJ - Renato Beaubrun
Teacher, NYC boe - Ronald Beaupre
Teacher, Pawtucket Teachers Alliance - Ronald Beaupre
Teacher, Pawtucket Teachers Alliance - David Beauvais
Counselor, Lowell High School - Dara Beckley
Teacher, APS - Emanuela Bedendo
Teacher, Individual - James Beeler II
Retired Teacher, NEA WCTAR - Gerald Begy
Retired Professor, State University of New York - Justin Behrend
Professor of History, SUNY Geneseo - Ann Bein
Librarian, Retired - Joshua Belknap
Coordinator, ESL Lab, Doctoral Candidate, English , City University of New York - David Bellows
Teacher, Tucson Unified School District, Tucson, Arizona - Seyla Benhabib
Professor of Political Science and Philosophy Emerita, Yale University - Hilda Benitez
social worker, NYC DOE - Phyllis Benjamin
Retired educator, retired - Michael Benner
Systems Administrator, University at Buffalo - Courtnee Bennett
Art Educator, New Mexico Holocaust Museum - Gary Bennett
Retired, Na - Eric Benson
Library retiree, tech spec., Hennepin County Library - Jessica Benson
Teacher, Renaissance Academy - LeGrace Benson
Professor (Emta.), SUNY - Jennifer Bent
Asst to dean, Empire state college - Susan Benton
attorney, none - Debra Benware
Retired Telecom Analyst, SUNY Upstate Medical - Todd Benzin
Educational Technology Specialist, SUNY Buffalo State College - Lisa Berardino
Associate Professor, SUNY POLY - Mary Bergan
Past President, California Federation of Teachers - Doris Bergen
professor (retired), Miami University - Jacqualine Berger
Professor, SUNY - Empire State College - Nancy Berggren
Retired teacher, AFT - Stephen Berghoff
EAP Program Director, NIC International College in Japan - Diana Berkowitz
Director Emeritus, CLIP & CUNY START, Queens borough Community College - Jill Berkowitz-Berliner
Podiatrist, Mount Kisco Foot Specialists, PLLC - Donna Berlin
Retired, SUNYA - David Berliner
Regents' Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University - Mary Bernal
Professor, San Antonio College - Ann Berndt
professional aide, Belmont Public Schools (MA) - Amy Bernick
Teacher, Castle View High School - Ellen Bernstein
Union President, Albuquerque Teachers Federation - Mary Best
President, AFT-Oklahoma - Carl Betcher
Lecturer, Binghamton University - ECE Dept - Amy Bethka
Former Preschool Teacher, Anchorage, Alaska - Roberta Betnstein
Professor, FSC - Mark Beveridge
School Counselor, West Warwick High School - Terri Beyers
Organizer, San Antonio Alliance - Kim Biehler
Retired Teacher, Toms River School District - Donna Bijeol
Paraprrofessional, Bft - patricia billy
Retired, Suny DMC - Lori Binder
Teacher, School - Sunny Binder
Drama Teacher, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Judith Bird
Librarian, League of Women Voters - Mark Bischoff
Professional Tutor/Adjunct Faculty, SUNY@Cortland - Mary Bissell
Teacher, Rio Rancho Public Schools - Luisa Bissett
Registered Nurse, National Nurses United - Carrie Blabac-Myers
Librarian, Binghamton University Libraries - Authr Black
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Rosella Blackburn
Teacher, NYC DOE - Jay Blackman
Teacher, Sierra Club - Rowena Blackman Stroud
Associta Director Nuclear Medicine, UNITED UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONS - Everton Blair
Board Representative, Gwinnett County Public Schools - Whitney Blankenship
Teacher, Meridian World School - Leslie Blatteau
Teacher, Nhps - Fred Blick
Research Professor, UC Davis - frances bliven
Retired Assoc. Professor, SUNYOneonta - Judith Block
Teacher, NYC Dept of Educ. Retired - Stewart Bloom
Teacher, East Allen County Schools IN (retired) - Carol Blount
teacher, General McLane School District - Mark Bloxsom
Assistant Professor of Economics, Alfred State College - Amber Blue
IT analyst, Healthcare - Robert Blum
Attorney, Self Employed - Neil Blumengarten
Teacher, School - Robert Blumenthal
Retired teacher, None - Kathryn Boardman
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cooperstown Graduate Program in Museum Studies, SUNY Oneonta - Gabriel Bobek
Human, Self - Beth Boerger
Bookkeeper, KC School District - Joshua Bogin
Adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law, Springfield College - LAWRENCE BOGOLUB
Kindergarten Teacher, Minneapolis Public Schools - Matthew Boguske
None, None - Kathryn Bohan
Instructional Designer, SUNY New Paltz - Vincent Bohlinger
Professor of Film Studies, Rhode Island College - Gabriel Bonanni
Building Substitute, Biotechnology Research & Zoological Studies - Burnie Bond
Director of Programs, Albert Shanker Institute - Stephen BOOLOS
Teacher, Snoqualmie Valley School District - C.Jean Boomershine
Retired, Retired - Kelly Booz
Director of Share My Lesson, American Federation of Teachers - Debbie Borda
teacher, JESD - Nancy Borelli
Speech/Language Pathologist, Nancy R. Borelli, MA-CCC, SLP - Antoine Borrut
Associate Professor of History, University of Maryland - debra borup
retired, n/a - David Bosch
Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University - Sunita Bose
Professor, SUNY New Paltz - Roger Boudreau
Retired Teacher, RIAFTR Local 8037 - JOHN BOUDREAU
retired teacher, American Federation of Teachers - Elise Bowe
Clinical Laboratory Technician, Upstate Medical University - Elizabeth Bowen
Associate Professor, University at Buffalo School of Social Work - Alice Bowron
Retired ESL educator, N/A - Emily Boyce
Professor, Buffalo State College, SUNY - Diane Boyd
Retired teacher, AFT - Kathryn Boyd
Speech Pathologist, EBS Healthcare - David Bozak
Associate Professor, SUNY Oswego - Lynn M Bradshaw
Retired Microbiologist, N/A - Terri Brady
Retired Educational Administrator, N/a - Carolyn Branson
Counselor, Self-employed - Carol Braund
Teacher, SUNY Upstate Medical University - Hayley Breden
Teacher, Denver Public Schools - Sandra Breitenberger
Retired Teacher, Kingston Schools Consolidated, Kingston, NY - Don Brennan
Retired Staff for IR, State University College @ Buffslo. NY - Martha Brennan
Teacher, Jefferson County Public Schools - William Brennan
Teacher, Sparta Township Public Schools - Vincent Brevetti
Founding Principal, Humanities Preparatory Academy - Emily Brew
ISSS Manager, SUNY - Holly Brewer
Burke Professor of American History, University of Maryland - James Brice
Associate Director of Operations & Crisis, Binghamton University Res Life - Maria Brickhouse
College administrator, UUP - Elizabeth Bridges
Admissions, SUNY Oswego - Coretta Bridges
Principal, RCSD - William Briggs
President, AFT Local 604 - Dan Brint
Enterprise Architect, Buffalo State College - Frances Brisbane
Vice President & Professor, SUNY Stony Brook - Linda Brochhausen
Administration of schools of medicine, Dept of surgery SUNY SB - Kelley Brockmeyer
Teacher, AFT/DCF - Michael Brocoum
retired, N/A - Herbert Broderick
Professor, Lehman College/CUNY - Bette Brohel
Academic Advisor, Retired from SUNY Plattsburgh - Ray Bromley
Emeritus Professor, University at Albany, SUNY - Kate Bronfenbrenner
Senior Lecturer, Cornell ILR - Regina Brooks
retired Counselor/Teacher, Pittsburgh Public Schools - Dorothy Brooks
Dr., retired - Sharyn Brooks
retired teacher, former member of the N.E.A. and N.A.S./U.W.T. - Roger Brooks
President and Chief Executive Officer, Facing History and Ourselves - Denisa Brooks
Educator, Cincinnati Public Schools-Withrow University High School - Gregory Browder
Retired Teacher, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District - Ingrid Brown
retired, retired. - Angela Brown
Teacher, AFT - Brandon Brown
Teacher, DISD - J Brown
Teacher, UFT - Josh Brown
Assistant Director, Counseling, SUNY Potsdam - Peter D.G. Brown
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, SUNY New Paltz - Barry Brown
Staff, SUNY Plattsburgh - Bonnie and Steve Spanier Brown
Professors Emeritus, United University Professions - Billy Brown
Adjunct Professor, UNM Mathematics & Statistics - Linda Brown
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Sharon Brown
Visiting Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University - Kathy Brown
Professor of History, St. Edward's University - Timothy Brown
Managing Director, Alumni Affairs and Development,Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University - Davia M Brown Franklyn
Senior Director of Partnership, Bank Street College of Education - Cheryl Brubaker
Nurse Practitioner, APS - Martha Brubaker
Retired, N/A - Robin Bruck
Teacher, BLS - Sandy Brumbaum
Educator, Hillcrest School - Rebecca Bryan
Professor, UUP- SUNY Cortland - Ed Brylczyk
retired teacher, AFT - Matt Brzezinski
job, na - Anthony F. Bucci
Educator, Retired , New York State; Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools - Gunhilde Buchsbaum
Professor Emerita Gynecology, University of Rochester - Mary Buggie-Hunt
Retired Adjunct Instructor, History, United University Professions (Retiree) - Rosemarie Bundy
Medical Librarian, SUNY Upstate - Meredith Bunting
Dual language Librarian K-5, a New Mexico public school - Brian Bunton
Associate Professor, Coastal Carolina University - Mary Burgess
Associate Professor, Binghamton University (S.U.N.Y.) - Jack Burgess
Teacher/labor relations specialist/writer, retired - Steven Burke
Professor, CUNY - Nancy Burke
Faculty, Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis - Joan Burke
Professor of English Emerita, Museum Director, SUNY Fredonia, Newcomb Historical Museum - helga Burkhardt
teacher, retired - David Burnham
Disabled, Home - Bernie Burnham
Teacher, Education Minnesota - Mary E. Burnham
Retired Executive Director, Retired The Children’s Center of .... - Kathryn Burns
retired editor, IEDC - Miguelanjel Burns
Educator, AFT NM - Bill Burns
Sales, Major Company - Nell Burrus
Retired teacher, AFT - Stephen Burwood
Adjunct Professor, State University of New York at Delhi - Don and Leslie Bush
Retired Teachers, NEA - bob bussel
professor of history, University of Oregon - Christine Buttry
Teacher, North Colonie Central Schools - Kathleen Buzad
Retired teacher, AFT - Angela Byerley
Mental Health Worker, YMCA - Nancy Byrned
Special Education Teacher, Snoqualmie Valley School District WA - Melissa Byrnes
Assistant Professor, Southwestern University - David C-H Johnston
Director, Center for Higher Education Retention Excellence - Christine Cain
Teacher, School District of Philadelphia - Cindy Caine
Teacher, Inez Elementary School - Michelle Caine
Teacher, BPS - Maribeth Calabro
President, Providence Teachers Union - Philip Calcagno
Associate Professor Emeritus, SIUE - Pat Calchina
Retired history teacher, Madison Metropolitan School District - Annette Calderon
Consulrant, ACN - Colleen Callahan
Director of Professional Isdues, RI Federation of a Teachers and Health Profesdionals - Sheena Calvert
Lecturer, University of the Arts, London - Timothy Camann
Mathematics Tutor, SUNY Delhi - Carlos Camargo
REALTOR® - DRE #01988431, BHGRE Reliance Partners - Kesler Camese-Jones
President, Jefferson Federation of Teachers - Duane Campbell
Professor emeriti Bilingual/Multicultural Education, California State U -Sacramento - Eleanor Campbell
Associate Professor, Lehman College, CUNY - Ellen Cantarow
former professor, SUNY - Miriam Cantor
retired teacher, utla - Roel Cantu
Retired Educator, None - Maureen Cantu
Teacher, --None-- - Tricia CANTY
Retired RN, None - Zeph Capo
Teacher, Texas AFT - Michael Capobianco
Adjunct Professor, SUNY College at Old Westbury - Peter Caprariello
Professor, Stony Brook University - Erin Cara
Teacher, AFT - Guy Cardarelli
Teacher, AFT - Karen Carinha
Child care, Home - Stacy Carleton
Educator, Carleton Academics - CASEY Carlson
special ed teacher, GSCFT 2030 - Christen Carlson
Teacher, GSCFT - Taylor Carman
Professor of Philosophy, Barnard College, Columbia University - James Carpenter
Professor Emeritus, Binghamton University - Elizabeth Carrature
Admin SUNY, SUNY - Gene Carroll
Co-Director, NYS AFL-CIO/CornellUnion Leadership Institute - Bryan Carson
teacher, vue - Brenda Cartagena
Teacher, NYCDOE - Larry Carter
President, Louisiana Federation of Teachers and School Employees - Pamela Carter-Wiley
Professor, Retired - Rosemarie Casaccio
Teacher Retiree, UFT - Rosemarie Casaccio
Teacher, UFT - Stephen Casey
Emeritus, University of Scranton - Judith Casey
Retired Elementary Principal, Academy School District 20, Colorado Springs, CO - James Casselman
High School Science teacher, Taylor ISD - Jessie Casteel
Professor, University of Houston - Downtown - Susan Castro
teacher, Union Vice President, San Antonio Alliance - James V Catano
Professor of English & Screen Arts Emeritus, Louisiana State University - Marie Cawlina-Kasle
OTR/L, AFTMA - Courtney Cazden
professor of education emerita, Harvard University - Koreen Cea
Teacher, UTLA-CFT-CTA- AFT- NEA - Jayne Cerny
Teacher retired, no longer affiliated WCCUSD - Caron Cesa
consultant, independent - Cynthia Chadwick
Lecturer Emeritus, University of North Carolina at Asheville - Sumita Chakrabarti
Res. Assistant Professor, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Stephanie Chamberlain
Professor, Southeast Missouri State University - Dr. Jacqueline D. Chambers
Retired Teacher, HFT (Retired after a 32 year career) - Geoffrey Chandler
retired high school teacher, AFT, NEA - Susan Chapin
retired teacher, tutor - Maralyn Chase
State Senator, retired, WA State Senate - Bonnie Chau
Teacher, Maryknoll Convent School - Raynel Chaves
Teacher, TESOL - Ana Chavez
Interpreter, Community member - Ana Chavez
Interpreter, Community member - linda cheek-richards
Retired Teacher, UFT - Millie Chen
Professor of Art, University at Buffalo - Janice Chen
Teacher, North Shore Schools Federated Employees - Mary Cherney
Teacher, UFT - Joshua Cherniss
Assistant Professor of Government, Georgetown University - Spencer Cheung
senior Adviser, Spencer &Associates - Brunilda Chico
Adm, Bilingual/ESOL Department, Broward County Fl - Donna M Chiera
Teacher, AFTNJ - Jerry Chilson
retired, none - Laura Chinofsky
Teacher, PFT - Ann Chirhart
Professor, 30265 - Robbi Chisholm
Former teacher, None - Monica Chlastawa
Teacher, Public Elementary School - Shaun-Adrián Choflá
Professor of Education, Child and Family Studies, Butte College - Hasan Chowdhury
Academic Adviser, Lehman College - Cathy Christensen
Self Employed, Self - Jantre Christian
Lecturer, UCLA - Erik Christiansen
Professor of History, Rhode Island College - Jill Christianson
Educator / social justice advocate, — - Patricia Christie
School Nurse, Santa Cruz, CA - Susan Chyczewski
Teacher, Bellefonte Area School District - Mona Ciarletta
Teacher, Retired - anne marie Cicciu
teacher, NYC-DOE - Jane Cimini
Teacher, Aft - Jennifer Ciok
MGN Coach, To&Through - Dorothy Clark
Instructional Assistant, CMSD - James Clark
Teacher, K-12 - Linda Clark
Teacher, Retired - Erin Clark
Teacher, St. Thomas's Day School - Amanda Clattenburg
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Barbi Clifton
Professor, The College at Brockport State University of New York - Scott Coahran
Professor, Merced College - Kate Coffey
Associate Professor, SUNY Cortland College - Teresa Coffman
Professor of Music, Rhode Island College - Carol Cohen
Ms, Retired - Wendi Cohen
N/A, N/A - Lee Cohen
Professor, SUNY Brockport - Cheryl Cohen
Retired teacher, Garden Grove CA School District - Jacqueline Colantonio
Teacher, Bridgeport Public Schools - Carol Colatrella
Professor, Georgia Tech - Phyllis Cole
Audiologist, Chicago Public Schools - Cali Cole
Chair, The Institute of Economics and Finance - Merrill Cole
Professor, Western Illinois University - Eva Coleman
Teacher, Chair MI-ACTS/ AFT Michigan - Ruth Collado
Retired teacher, Florida Retired Teachers Associatio - Diana Collins
Teacher, Portland Public Schools - Pete Compton
Retired Engineer/Scientist, Independent - Doris Connaghan
Admin assistant, SUNY downstate - Jack Connolly
Social Studies Chair ((retired), Norwalk Board of Education - Luisa Conroy
Teacher, Jefferson Union High School District. - Thomas Conway
Utility worker, Con edison - ann cook
Executive Director, New York Performance Standards Consortium - Veronica Cook
Special Educator, Mukilteo EA - Adam Cooper
Teacher, NYC DOE - Ted Cooper
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Portland State University - Alix Cooper
Associate Professor of History, Stony Brook University - Taylor Copeland
High School Teacher, Jefferson Davis County High School - Thomas Coppolino
Teacher, Corvallis SD - Joseph Corbett
Professor, Rhode Island College (retired) - Debra Corbett
Teacher, Elk Grove Unified School District - Gretchen Corbett
Actor, Screen Actors Guild, Actors Equity Unions - Lissi Corbett
Teacher, Eagan High School - Nettie Corbin-Johnson
Senior Cashier, Los Angeles Community College District - Janette Corcelius
Teacher, FEA - Carolyn Corcoran
Assistant Director of Financial Aid, SUNY Potsdam - Christina Cordova
Educational assistant, AFT - Jared Cornelia
Not applicable, Not applicable - Patsy Corrigan
Teacher, K-12 - Joanne Corsica
professor, SUNY/Empire State College - Emanuele Corso, PhD, Cpt USAF retired
retired, none - Ellen Cort
Counselor, Los Alamos Public Schools - Carmine Coscia
Professor Emeritus, St. Louis University School of Medicine - Sara Costantino
Staller Center For The Arts, UUP - Lynn Costello
Reired teacher, East Islip Teachers Association - Kate Costello
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Eric Cotts
Professor, Binghamton University/Physics Department - Sarah Covell
Licensed mental health counselor, SUNY Geneseo - Bob Covey
Psychotherapist, - Deborah Covi
volunteer, Wrap Around Services of Ulster County, NY - Gloria Cowan
Retired professor social psychologist, CSUSB - Rebecca Cox
Speech Language Pathologist, Albuquerque Teachers Federation - Susan Coyne
Visiting nurse, Local 4022. Visiting nurse home and hospice - Mary Cozier
Nurse Manager, Purchase College SUNY - Elysse Craddock
Professor Emerita of Biology, SUNY at Purchase - Diane Craft
Professor Emerita of Physical Education, SUNY Cortland - Josheila Crandall
Administrator, SUNY Health Sciences University at Brooklyn - Bruce Cratty
Mr., citizen - Michael Crawford
Teacher, SUHSD - Tara Crean
Teacher, New York City Department of Education - Amelia Creedon
Librarian, Riverhead School District - Arlene Crewdson
retired Professor, Chicago City Colleges - Tonya Cribb
Museum Director, SUNY Plattsburgh - John Crombie
Retired, None - Melissa Cropper
President, Ohio Federation of Teachers - Emilye Crosby
Professor, SUNY Geneseo - Danielle Crown
Teacher, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago - Randal Cruikshanks
Political Science Professor Emeritus, California Polytechnic University - Anjana Cruz
Associate Professor, SUNY - Angelina Cruz
President, Racine Educators United (REA-REAA) - Heather Curry
Teacher, IFT/AFT local 604 - Todd Curry
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Texas at El Paso - Marie Curtis
Retired, None - John Cusano
Principal, John Cusano Consulting - Barry Cutler
Retired, Na - Lll D
Teacher, UTR - Carmen D Lucca
President, Association for Puerto Rican-Hispanic Culture, Inc. - Robert D'Alonzo
Professor of Humanities, Rock Valley College - Vincent D'Ambrosio
Professor Emeritus,, SUNY Oswego, AFT, NYSUT, UUP - Heidi Dahlin
associate educator, Minneapolis Public Schools - Matthew Dallek
Professor, gwu - Cynthia Dallmeyer
Retired teacher, Na - Erika Daman
Special Educator, Ann Arbor Public Schools - Noelle Damico
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service, New York University - Jenny Dammann
Teacher, Education MN - James Damour
Vice President for Academics, United University Professions - William Daniel
High School Teacher, Littleton Public Schools - Jody Daniels
Adjunct Professor, UMass. Lowell - ray dannenhoffer
a, uup - Susan Danziger
Retired, None - Sarah Darer
Instructor - Writing Department, Western Connecticut State University - Beth Darlington
Professor emerita, Vassar College - Maureen Darmody
Reading Specialist, Freelance - Luisa Dattoma
Professor, FSC - Jonathan Daube
President Emeritus, Manchester Community College - Julianna Dauble
Teacher, Renton Education Association - Emily David
Educator, Orange boe - Linda Davin
teacher, West Glenville Nursery School - Trudi Davis
Teacher, Blind Brook Fed. of Teachers - James Davis
Professor, Brooklyn College - Judith Davis
Retired, UFT - Kevin Davis
Retired teacher, WEA - Eithne Davis
Retired teacher, BVSD - Amy Davis
Professor, Miami Dade College - Ann Davis
Staff, University of Illinois Springfield - Elizabeth Davis
President, Washington Teachers' Union - Wayne Davis
Professor, Philosophy, Geoegetown University - Paul Davis
Vive President,, American Association of University Professors - Pamela Davison
Education Administration, SUNY at Buffalo=retired - JD Davison
former teacher, Self - Michael Day
History Teacher, First VP, Illinois Federation of Teachers - Doreen Day
Retired, UUP (United University Professions) - David Day
Professor, retired - Scott Day
Citizen, Retired - Frank De Haan
Retired Prof., Occidental College - Phil de Jong
Assistant Professor -retired, SUNY Maritime College - Allegra de Laurentiis
professor, SUNY Stony Brook - Teri De Rubira
Teacher, SVUSD - Chiara De Santi
Assistant Professor, Farmingdale State College, SUNY - David Deacon
Adjunct Instructor, SUNY Oswego - PAUL DEAL
Assistant Professor, SUNY Plattsburgh - Stephanie Dean
Retired Teacher, United Federation of Teachers - Douglas Deane
Coordinator of BSW Field Education, Stockton University - Darcy DeAno
Teacher, DCF - Bartley Deason
citizen, humanity - Philip DeCecco
Retiree, PTUR 958 - Michael DeCesare
Professor of Sociology, Merrimack College - Max Dehne
Professor, SUNY Delhi - Emanuela Del Gado
Professor, Georgetown University - Gerald Del Priore
Architect, Del Priore Architects - Christine Del Rossi
Teacher, PFT 3, Working Educator - Javier Del Valle
President, DVA Commercial RE - Guadalupe Delgado
Grandma, teaching my grandchildren voting rights, Delgado family - Cesar Delgado
Associate Professor, North Carolina State University - ALBERT DELGADO
Teacher, CTU Local 1 - Patti DelVecchio
Retired Teacher, Johnston Public Schools - Karen Demoss
Executive Director, Prepared To Teach, Bank Street College of Education - William DeMott
Professor, emeritus, Purdue University - Marianna DeMott
Library Media Specialist retired, Lakeland School Corporation - Hannah Dennis
Project Manager, Bank Street College of Education - Colleen Denniston
Testing coordinator, SUNY Upstate Medical Universiy - Bruce Denny
None, None - Ray Derrickson
retired, none - Jeff Derringer
Adjunct Professor, Columbia College Chicago - John Dervin
Retiree, USPS - Alexander DeSha
Project Manager, University at Buffalo - Marie DesJarlais
Teacher, Re - Cassandra DeSocio
Person, Human Race - Yvonne Desouza
Classroom Assistant, PFT - Ian deSouza
Professor, SUNY Downstate health sciences university - Kathleen Deters-Hayes
Clinical Assistant Professor, State University of New York - Mohan Devgun
Professor, SUNY Buffalo State - Curleen DeVignes
RN, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Joan Devlin
Retired teacher, AFT - Carol Devoss
retired teacher, cusd#303 - Gregory Di Stefano
Teacher, Uft - Eduardo Díaz
Interim Director Residential Education, Stony Brook University - Jolene DiBrango
Teacher/union leader, New York State United Teachers - Margaret DiCara Gomez
Retired Teacher, NYC DOE - S R Dickman
Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Binghamton University - DAVID DIEM
Teacher, NYC DOE - Bob Diem
Instructor, 4J School District - Maria DiFrangia
Teacher, Retired - Dan DiLeva
Tutor ("Study Skills Instructor"), Socialist Alternative - Darlene Dillard
Health Care Professional, Stony Brook University Medical Center - Peter Dillon
Superintendent, Berkshire Hills Regional School District - Sara Dillon
Professor, Suffolk University - Nadya Dimitrov
Professor, Stony Brook University - Jacalyn Dinhofer
Retired Teacher, NYC DOE - Michael DiNicola
Academic Advisor, SUNY Empire State College - Laurie DiPadova-Stocks
Professor of Public Administration, Park University - Kevin DiPasquale
Teacher, Education - Corey Ditslear
Professor, Tarrant county College - Tiffany Dittrich
President, White Bear Lake Area Educators, Local #7286 - Gregory Dlugos
Clinical specialist, Montclair State University - Lauren Docherty
School nurse, RRPS - Karen Dockstader
Retired Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Jennifer Dodge
Associate Professor, University at Albany - Richard Dodson
Retired Philosophy Professor/Current Union Organizer, UUP/AFT Labor Union - Sabine Doenninghaus
RN, CHI Franciscan - Karen Doerr
Educator, University of Kansas Medical Center - Mary Doggett
Teacher, RCS - Leah Doherty
Academic Advisor, University at Buffalo BCLS - Joseph Dolce
Instructional Designer, SUNY Geneseo - Merelyn Dolins
Teacher, Retired - Terry Dollar
Teacher, AFT - Renee Domeier
Professor, Order of St. Benedict - David Domenici-Mills
Executive Director, BreakFree Education - Maura Donnelly
Teacher, NYC DOE Hospital schools program - Terri Donovan
attorney, AFT-NH - Leslie Donovan
professor, University of New Mexico - Edward Dorgan
Teacher, Connecticut Council for the Social Studies - Katie Dorgan
Teacher, School - Katherine Dorman
Teacher, AFT - Sherman Dorn
Professor, Arizona State University - Laura Doto
Teacher, University of Chicago Laboratory Schools - Gina Doty
Manager, SUNY Plattsburgh - ROB DOUCETTE
Retired teacher, LAUSD - Patricia Downs
Chapter Assistant, United University Professions - Thomas Doycich
Intervention Specialist, Cleveland Metropolitan S.D. - Peter Dreier
Professor of politics and urban policy, Occidental College - Donna Drexel
Retired HS English Teacher, Wickenburg Unified SD #9 - John Driscoll
Emeriti, State University of New York - Sonia Duarte
Professor, Fresno City College - Davida Shawalli Duckett-Johnson
Paraprofessional, New York City Department of Education - Lisa Duckworth
Teacher, Monocacy Home Educator’s Cooperative - Glenna Dumey
retired teacher, retired - Emily Dumler-Winckler
Assistant Professor of Theology, Saint Louis University - Thomas Dumm
Professor of Political Science, Amherst College - Alec Dun
Dean, Princeton University - Eric Duncan
International Affairs Senior Associate, American Federation of Teachers - Donna Dundon
Teacher, LCSD#1 - GlenEva Dunham
Teacher, Gary Teachers Union AFT - Robert Dunn
Retired English teacher, National Educators' Association - Laurie Dunn
Associate Professor, Alfred State College State of New York - Michael Dunne
Polysomnographer, SUNY UPSTATE - George DuPaul
Professor of School Psychology, Lehigh University - Dawn Duran
Retired, Ernst & Young LLP - Valkiria Durán-Narucki
Lecturer, College of Staten Island, CUNY - Robert Dushay
Professor, SUNY Morrisville. - Ellen Dussourd
Assistant Vice Provost for International Education (ret.), University at Buffalo - Kelly Dutro
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Susana Dutro
CEO, E.L. Achieve - Stephen Dutschke
retired, none - William Dwyer
IT Technician, University of Montana Western - Martha Dyer
Teacher Librarian, Santa Cruz City Schools. - Dr. William 'Skip' Dykoski
Retired college teacher, Anoka Ramsey Community College - Jennifer Dynas
Asst. Rec Director, University at Buffalo - Philip Dynia
Associate Professor, Loyola University New Orleans - Josh E
Consultant, Eps - Munroe Eagles
Professor, University at Buffalo-SUNY - Joan Earley
Professor (Ret.), NYS Univ. at Albany - Shinann Earnshaw
Former teacher, none - Jeffrey Eastman
Teacher, UFT - Quena Echeverri
counselor, APS - Christopher Ecker
Electrician, Self Employed - Sandi Edgar
Professor, SMU - Robert Edgell
Professor of Technology Management, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Kim Edison
Business Analyst, Visa - Heidi Edwards
Admissions & Recruitment Coordinator, Portland Community College AFT Local #2277 - Audrey Edwards
Professor, UPI Local 4100 - Douglas Edwards
Retired teacher and technology coach, Orange City Schools - Blake Edwards
Account Manager, Careerstaff Unlimited - Cindy Effron
Paraprofessional educator, Sarasota county school board - Douglas Egerton
Professor of History, Le Moyne College - Sandra Eichwald
Librarian, Cuba Independent Schools - David Eifler
Librarian, University of California, Berkeley - Roberta Eisenberg
Retired + Chairperson of UFT MTC, UFT Math Teachers Committee - Roberta M Eisenberg
Chairperson, UFT Math Teachers Committee, UFT, NYSUT, AFT - Michael Eisenscher
Instructor (retired), Peralta Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 1603 - Cathleen Eldridge
Director, EH&S, SUNY Plattsburgh - Cathleen Eldridge
Director, SUNY Plattsburgh - Jennifer Elemen
Educational Administrator, Monterey County Office of Education - Roberta Elins
Professor, Fashion Institute of TechnologySUNY - Dr. Vivian Ellioty
Senior Consultant, PassageWorks Institute - Diane Ellis
Director of Counseling, Lyon College - Charles Ellis
PTA Life Member, school volunteer, Virginia State PTA, Chesterfield County Public Schools volunteer - Paul Ellis-Graham
retired teacher, NYSUT - Kimmie Elrod
Office Manager, NJCEDV - Terry Elverum
Field Representative, California Federation of Teachers - Jan Emerson
Retired Teacher, AFT - Mary Emm
Lecturer, SUNY Cortland - Helen Emmitt
Professor of English, Centre College - David End
Supervisor of Math Tutoring Center, Queens College, C.U.N.Y. - Elizabeth Endres
Teacher, Cherry Hill, NJ - Kathryn Engebretson
Associate Professor, Indiana University - Karen Engels
Teacher, Cambridge Public Schools, Cambridge, MA - Karin Engstrom
Substitute CTE Teacher & Para, Seattle Substitute Association - Elizabeth Enright
Retired, Retired - michael epting
retired teacher, AFT - Ira Erbs
adjunct Professor, retired HS Teacher, AFT-Oregon - Joy Erdbruegger
Teacher, SBISD - Elaine Errigo-Gilyard
retired elementary school teacher, Union-Endicott School District - Adriana Escarcega
Teacher, UCSC - Harry Espaillat
IT Specialist/Associate Adjunct Professor, Farmingdale State College - Ana Espinoza
Permit Teacher, RCOE Migrant Head Start - Dan Esposito
Individual, Individual - Tracey Estep
Teacher, Sylvania City Schools - Joe Estes
Psychologist, ATF - Suzanne Ethredge
Educator, Pueblo Education Association - Sean Eudaily
Professor of Politics, University of Montana Western - Peter Evans
Professor Emeritus, University of North Alabama - Dee Evans-Hein
Citizen, Retired - Katherine Eyre
Retired geologist, NA - Arnoldo Fabela
Union, IFT - Sheila Faber
Teacher, School - Jan Factor
Professor, Purchase College, State University of New York - Sheryl L Fagin
Teacher retired after 43 years, 3760 Union - KATHRYN FAIRBANKS
Teacher, Education Minnesota - Jessica Fairgrieve
Teacher, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools - Michael Faison
Teacher, Victory High, Inc - Sue Faix
Counselor, Santa Cruz City Schools - Dave Falconer
retired, Michigan State Univ. - Ann Fantauzzi
Retired Teacher/ Ed Researcher, AHMA/SSCSD - Erin Faraclas
Associate Professor, MCPHS - Lora Farber
Teacher, Wayne Central Schools - Nicole Farmer
Teacher, Asheville City Schools - Bob Farrace
Chief Communications Officer, National Association of Secondary School Principals - Robert Farrell
Associate Professor, Library, Lehman College, CUNY - Benjamin Farrey-Latz
Teacher, SPPS - Margaret Farruggio
Educator, Sfusd - Joseph Fashing
Professor Emeritus, SUNY - Purchase - Harry Feder
History/Government Teacher, The Beacon School - Jane Fedor
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - alan feigenberg
professor of architecture emeritus, the city college of new york - Marvin Feil
Retired Teacher, NJEA - Alex Feingold
Professor, State University of New York at Binghamton - Mark Feinstein
Professor emeritus, Hampshire College - MARK FELTSKOG
Teacher, Mark’s Text Terminal - Amanda Fenlon
Chair, SUNY Oswego, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Special education graduate program - Laraine Fergenson
Professor Emerita, City University of New York - James Ferguson
Librarian, Fashion Institute of Technology - Diana Fernandez
Teacher, DOE - Melissa Fernandez
Educational Assistant, Rio Rancho Public Schools - Jeannie Ferrari
Principal, Humanities Preparatory Academy - Kevin Ferris
Civics Teacher, The Hawbridge School - Corinna Ferro
Secondary Program Director and Teacher, Williamsburg Montessori School - Jennifer Ferry
Social worker, Public Schools - Lawrence Fialkow
professor, SUNY New Paltz - Barry Field
Teacher, NYC Dept of Ed - Natalie Figueroa
Teacher & State Representative, NM, Albuquerque Public Schools and State of New Mexico - Andre Filiatrault
Professor Emeritus, University at Buffalo State University of New York - Richard Filipink
Professor of History, Western Illinois University - Melody Fill
School Social Worker, Albuquerque Public Schools - Anne Filson
Teacher, retired, Fairfax County, VA, Public Schools - Christian Fine
Teacher, Watsonville/Aptos/Santa Cruz Adult Education - Ross fine
teacher, NSHA - zeke finkelstein
College Instructor, CUNY - Jeannie Finlay-Kochanowski
RN, NA - Kim Finley
Associate professor, Southeastern Louisiana University - Richelle Fiore
Psychologist, Martha Firnschild,M.A.,L.L.P. - Eugene Firsich
Rietired Teacher of the Gifted, American Federation of Teachers - Elaine Fischer
Disables, none - Lynn Fisher
Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Illinois at Springfield - Eric Fishman
Teacher, Mission Hill School - Charles Fitze
retired, - Select - - Kyle Fitzmyer
Teacher, AFT - Mary Fitzpatrick
Scientist, UW Madison - John Flanagan
Teacher, SFUSD - Nancy Flanagan
Teacher, Retired - Henry Flax
Educator, SUNY United University Professions Delegate - P. Jay Fleisher
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, SUNY_Oneonta - Melissa Fleming
Professor, NECC - Frederic Fleron
Professor Emeritus, SUNY Buffalo - Anissa Floccare
Teacher, Williamsville Central School District - Monica Floreani
Teacher, Mast Academy - Rene’ Flores
Teacher, RTA - Georgia Flowers
Teacher, UTLA - Frank Flynn
President, R. I. Federation of Teachers - Danny Foceri
Former HS Dist Rep for Queens, UFT - Danny Foceri
Former HS Dist Rep for Queens, UFT - Christine Fogler
Professor, Saint Peter's University - Dawn Foland
Circulation Supervisor, SUNY Cobleskill Van Wagenen Library - Novelette Foote
Teacher, UFT - Meryl Fordin
Teacher, East Williston UFSD - Alcira Forero-Peña
Prof., CUNY - Carol Foresta
Teacher, Lehman College - Betty Forrester
Retired educator and union officer, United Teachers Los Angeles - corita forster
retired, social services agency - Aimee Fortin
Teacher, Denver Public Schools - Jillian Foster
Professional Development Resource Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Donna Fountain
individual, none - Stephanie Fousek
Lecturer, UC Riverside - Carolyn Fowler
Professional Expert, LAUSD - Dorothy Fox
retiree, uft - Bruce Fox
Photographer, Buffalo State College - Charlotte Franco
Retired teacher, SFT - Dave Frank
Parent, Afiic - Sharon Frank
Retired, None - thomas frank
Director, Research and Sponsored Programs, SUNY College at Cortland - Francine Frank
Retired professor, University at Albany - Lloyd Frank
Instructor, University of Pennsylvania - Steven Frankel
Senior Instructor, Northeastern Illinois University - Ellen Franz
Teacher, Sausalito Marin City School District - Rebecca Fraser
Professor, SUNY Empire State College - Edorah Frazer
Principal, Robinson Elementary School - Chad Frazier
Adjunct Instructor, Georgetown University - Richard Frazita
Professor Emeritus, SUNY College @ Buffalo - Marcus Frederickson
Professor of Chemistry, Mendocino College - Mary Frederickson
Professor, Emory University - Maryann Fredrick
Teacher (Retired), CTU-R - Nancy Freedland
Retired teacher & administrator, Keystone Schools - Wendy Freeman
Teacher, School District of Palm Beach County - Jeffery Freitas
Teacher, AFT - Fred Frelow
Consultant, Frelow & Associates - Michele Frenza Fisk
Retired teacher, PSEA - Toby Frescholtz
Clinical Faculty, University of Nevada School of Medicine - Jerome Freundlich
Teacher, South Whidbey Schools - Jeanette Frey
Teacher, NYC DOE - Joanne Frey
Retired administrator, Santa Fe public Schools - Susan Fried
Teacher, Broward County Public Schools - Pamela Friede
Public School Teacher, WEAC-River Falls Teacher Association - David Friedman
Teacher, NYC Department of Education - Jack Fruchtman
Professor emeritus of political science, Towon University - Shannon Frystak
Professor of History, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania - Lois Fslberg
Retired Special Educator, New Rochelle City Schools - David Fullard
Associate Professor, Public Affairs, SUNY/Empire State College - Susan Fuller
teacher, retired - Sherrill Futrell
Researcher, UC Davis - Jerry Gahan
retired, retired - Sylvia Gaines
Retired teachet, Oswego it’s School Distrct - Nora Galambos
Senior data scientist, Stony Brook University - Winnie Gallagher
teacher retired, San Lorenzo unified school district - David Gantz
Director, College Now Program, Lehman College, CUNY - Carlos Alberto Garay
Translation Engineer/Doctor/Master in Counseling/Coaching/Systemic Intervention, Dianohia Academy College - Kaiya Garcia
Director, JCC East Bay - Rurth Garcia
School Counselor, AFT - PFT Local #3 - Armando A. Garcia
Counselor/instructor, San Bernardino Valley College - Rita Garcia
School Social Worker, Albuquerque Public Schools - Katrina Garcia Spillman
Teacher, Albuquerque Teachers Federation - ReGale Gardiner
Lead Teacher, YouthBuild Savannah - Chandra Gardner
Teacher, Cincinnati Public Schools - Sue Gardner
Librarian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln - Rebecca Garelli
Science Educator & Organizer, Arizona Educators United - Andrew Garib
PhD candidate (economics) and instructor, Rutgers University - Jane Garner
Yea her, Ridgeland SD 122 - Joy Garratt
State Representative, NM State Legislature & AFT NM Retiree Chapter - Jane Garrett
Teacher/librarian. Retired, AFT - Allison Garson
Teacher, Houston ISD - Linda Gartzman
Retired teacher, UTLA - Esther Garvett
Teacher, Miami-Dade County Public Schools - Betsy Geist
professor emeritus, Antioch University - Michael Gelfer
Teacher, Katonah-Lewisboro Schools - Rebecca Geller
Assistant Professor of Social Studies Education, University of Wyoming - Tony Gellerman
Teacher, ISD 742 - Jean Gennis
Teacher, LAUSD - Crystal George-Moses
Doctoral Candidate, The Graduate Center - Daphne Gerling
Assistant Professor of Viola, University of North Texas - Joseph Germani
Classroom Support, UUP - Thomas Germano
Professor, Farmingdale State College, SUNY - Julie Gesin
Teacher, Jefferson Elementary School District - John Giambalvo
Teacher, New York City Department of Education - Thor Gibbins
Associate Professor, UUP - Jay Gilbert
Professor, Emeritus, Empire State College, SUNY - Glessie Gilchrist
Teacher, Ypsilanti Community School District - Theresa Gill
Teacher, Retired - Marybeth Gill
Teacher, Self-employed - Amanda Gillespie
Teacher, Houston ISD - Jay Gillespie
Teacher, Scituate Public Schools - Ellen Gillooly-Kress
VP-at-large, American Federation of Teachers-Oregon - Glenda Gilmore
Professor Emerita, Yale University - Francis Gilroy
Emeritus Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Upstate Medical University - Gary Giovino
SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus, SUNY, University at Buffalo - shirley girouard
Nursing Professor & Health Policy Consultant, SUNY Downstate and Council of State Governremnts-East - Kendra Gish
Teacher, DCF/AFT - Carla Gish
Primary teacher, BATS - Jennifer Gitschier
None, None - Joanne Glasgow
retired Teacher Librarian, WEA Retired - Hilary Glasgow
Executive Director, Colorado WINS - L Glasner
Independent, None - Miriyam Glazer
Emerita Professor, American Jewish University - Constance GLEESON
Early Childhood Educator, Self-employed - joan gleicher
Teacher, UFT - Philip Glick
Professor of Surgery, University at Buffalo (SUNY) - Norman Goda
Professor, University of Florida - Sheree Goecke
Retired Professor, Retired - Thomas Goff
Instructional Assistant, Folsom Lake College - Nicholas Goffredo
Teacher, DOE - Warren M. Gold
Professor of Medicine Emeritus, UCSF - Frank Gold
Associate, Bridge the Gap College Prep - Michael Gold
Teacher/retired, NYC DOE - Laura Goldberg
retired L.M.T., none! - Chad Alan Goldberg
Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin–Madison - Janet Goldberg
school-wide enrichment teacher, North Shore Schools - Shanti Golden
Teacher, Sheridan Technical College - Tanya Golden
Teacher, AFT - Arthur Goldhammer
Senior Affiliate, Harvard University - Ruth Goldman
Associate Professor, Communication, SUNY Buffalo State - Teddy Goldman
Art teacher, Douglas county school district - Matthew Goldman
Researcher, SRII - Scott Goldstein
Adjunct Profesor and Executive Director, American University, EmpowerEd - Carter Goldstein
teacher, jenison public schools - Richard Gomes
Staff Rep, AFT-NJ - Mary Ellen Gonzales
Retired school board member, Santa Fe Public Schools - Michele Gonzalez
Associate professor, SUNY Cortland - Cesar Gonzalez
Recent graduate, future secondary education teacher, Southern Connecticut State University - Kenneth Goodfriend
Retired Teacher, United Federation of Teachers - Veronica Goodman
Teacher, Orion Education and Training - Norman Goodman
Professor of Sociology, Stony Brook University - Gordon Goodman
Professor (emeritus), Rochester Institute of Technology - helen goodspeed
Retired teacher, Ms. - Deborah Goodwin
Teacher, Greenwich Public Schools - Miki Goral
Librarian, UC-AFT & UCLA - Robert Gordon
none, none - Rachel Gordon
Social Worker, H - George Gordon
Professor (retired), Illinois State University - Wendy Gordon
Professor, SUNY Plattsburgh - Daniel Gordon
Professor of Music, Plattsburgh State U. of NY - Wendy Gordon
Professo, SUNY Plattsburgh - Peter Gordon
Professor of History, Harvard University - Mary Beth Gorman
Retired teacher, UUP/Brockport - Nancy Gormley
Retired, AFT-RI - Caren Gough
Professor, Stony Brook University - Jonathan Goulet
Teacher, School District of Philadelphia - David Gove
Professor, Cal State U. - Coleen Gowans
Teacher, school - Robert Grace
Retired AFT member, Public Employees Federation - Susan Grace
Associate Professor, Wright College - David Gracia
Teacher, Esparto Unified School District - Lawrence Gradman
Supervisor/Teacher/Retired, New York City Dept. of Education - Ann Gradman
Teacher, Colts Neck Schools - Victoria Graf
Professor of Education, Loyola Marymount University - Cindy Graham
teacher, wea ny - Joanne Graham
Professor, Farmingdale State College - Charlie Graham
Teacher, Forest Grove School District - Donna Graham
Financial Analyst, UUP - Christine Graham-Herring
Teacher, DCSD - Maggie Grant
Teacher, UFT - Elizabeth Grant
Professor Emerita, SUNY Morrisville - Charles Gray
Training Director, Eastman Kodak - Julie Gray
School Social Worker, Taos Municipal Schools - Sheneika Grayson
Teacher, BCPS - Jeffrey Green
Professor, SUNY - Christine Green
Special Education grades 6-12, Public school - Kathryn Greenberg
Attorney, Cardozo school of Law - Ken Greene
Associate Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin - Lois Greene
Teacher/Assistant Principle (retired), NYC Board of Education - Julie Greene
Professor, University of Maryland - Nan and David Greenwood
Marketer & Teacher, Retired - Probyn Gregory
Musician, self - Barbara Greil
librarian, Retired - Maureen Grice
Assistant librarian, University at Buffalo - Amanda Griffin
High School Counselor, Newton North HS - Kathy Griffith
Teacher-Librarian, Santa Cruz City Schools - Ruth Griffith
Science Coach, Broward County Public Schools - Kathy Griffith
Teacher-Librarian, Santa Cruz City Schools - Carol Grimm
retired teacher, diagnostician, TRTA - Kevin Grimmer
Athletics Administrator, SUNY Poly - Sheila Grimmer
teacher, New Hartford CSD - New Hartford, NY - Richard Groendyke
Retired counselor, None - Lawrence Grossberg
Distinguished Professor of Communication, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Steve Grossman
President, North Suburban Teachers Union, IFT/AFT Local 1274 - Shuchi Grover
Visiting Scholar, Stanford University - Whitney Grubbs
Executive Director, Foundations for a Better Oregon - Irena Grudzinska Gross
Research Scholar retired, Princeton University - Adam Grumbach
Teacher, Retired Principal, Urban Academy Lab. High School - Michael Gubser
Professor, James MAdison University - Sharon Guglielmo
Retired Teacher, AFT/R - Catherine Guistina
Retired Teaching Assistant, Spencerport School District - Ralph Gundel
Assoc. Professor Emeritus, SUNY College of Optometry - Ingrid Gunnell
Advisor, UTLA - Charles Guthrey
Asst. Professor Sociology/Education, Missouri Valley College - Roger Guy
Professor of Criminal Justice, SUNY-Oswego - Wendy Guyker
professor, University at Buffalo - Michael H
RCA, USPS - Cheryl Haase
Teacher, Albuquerque Teachers' Federation - Kate Hageman
Residence Coordinator, Instructor, SUNY - Elliot Haim
Teacher, NYC Dept. of Education - Sherry Halbrook
journalist, USW - Elsie Haley
Professor Emeritus, Metropolitan State University of Denver - Brian D. Haley
Professor, SUNY College at Oneonta - Deborah Hall
Administrative Assistant, AFT Retiree - Rachel Hall
Professor, SUNY Geneseo - Daniel Hall
Teacher, Albuquerque Teacher's Federation - Wendy Hall-Devoti
Teacher, APS - Michael Halloran
None, none - Laurie Halloran
Frmr Adjunct Faculty, Boston University School of Medicine - Karl Hamann
Ret., None. - Terry Hamblin
Professor of History, SUNY Delhi - james hamilton
instructional support, SUNY Canton - Sarah Hamilton
Executive Director, AFT Colorado - Laura Hamilton
Volunteer tutor / mentor, Unaffiliated - Dawn Hamlin
Chair, Associate Professor Of Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, SUNY Oneonta - Pierre Hamm
none, none - Ricard Hamm
Professor, University at Albany, SUNY - Laura Hample
Teacher, IU13 - Sallie Han
Professor of Anthropology, SUNY Oneonta - David Hancock
Retired Teacher, None - George hand
Retired, Old lefties from the sixties - Robin Handy
Teacher, AFT - Dan Hanessian
Associate Professor, Purchase College, SUNY - Joel Hanisek
Associate Member, Trinity College Dublin, Centre for Justice and Values - Robert Hanning
Professor Emeritus of English and Comp Lit, Columbia University - Barbara Hanning
Professor Emeritus, Department of Music, The City College and Graduate Center - Roy Arne Hansen
Entrepreneur, Anteroz - Paul Hansen
Government, Letter Carrier Union Branch 290 - Ryan Hanson
Cashier, None - Eugenia Harada
Teacher, Federal Way Public Schools - Emily Haraldson
Professor, Glendale Community College - Mette Harder
Associate Professor of History, SUNY Oneonta - JD Harding
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Daniel Harms
Associate Librarian, SUNY Cortland - GREGORY HARPER
Professor Emeritus, State University of NY at Fredonia - Susan Harper
Mathematics Department Chair, Holy Innocents' Episcopal School - Rachel Harper
Teacher, Fusion Academy - Robert Harris
retired professor, USC - Marilyn Harris
Retired, Retired - Leila Harris
Professor, University on British Columbia - Colleen Hart
Field Rep, Boston Teacher Union - Sarah Hart
Hair Stylist, Supercuts - AB Hartdegen
Professor, NEIU - Mark Hartman
Professor, SUNY Potsdam - Kim Hartshorn
Professor, United University Professions - James Hartwick
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - Mark Judy Harvey
Retired educators, NYSUT - Robert Haslag
Retired, Mr. - Joanne Hathorn
Certified School Nurse, Whittier Elementary School - Katherine Hauer
Teacher, West Clermont Local Schools - Ted Haughawout
Graphic Designer, TH Design, Inc. - Brandon Hawk
Associate Professor of English, Rhode Island College - Jo Ann Sharrie Hawkins
Retire, none - Thea Weiss Hayes
Retired Science & Health Teacher, Portland Public Schools - Anna Hayes
Head Mistress, Ruby Gale High School - Matt Haynes
teacher, NYSUT - Tye Haynes
RD, SUNY - James Haynes
Professor Emeritus, SUNY Brockport - Ed Haynor
Board Member, NC RESA - Aisha Heath-Dennie
Teacher, n/a - David Hecker
Union President, AFT Michigan - Lloyd Hedger
retired, none - Melissa Heidenreich
Lecturer, SUNY Buffalo State - Judith Heinle
Teacher, AFT - MIchael Heinsohn
Security Officer, None - Jeffrey Heinz
Professor, SUNY Stony Brook - Billie Helean
Teacher, RRPS - Marilyn Helterline
Emeritus professor, SUNY College at Oneonta - Peter Henderson
Professor, Emertis , SUNY Stony Brook - Michelle Hendley
Librarian, SUNY Oneonta - Dawn Hendry
Speech Therapist, Jefferson County Public Schools - Jeffrey Henig
Professor of Political Science & Education, Teachers College, Columbia University - Mali Henigman
Teacher, Private - Kathleen Henke
retired, Democrats Abroad Munich - Casey Henley
Assistant Professor, Expeditionary Studies, SUNY Plattsburgh - Sarah Henne
Field Representative, CFT - Jack Henning
Lecturer, Lehman College - CUNY - Wendy Henry
Retired educator, Coachella Valley Unified School District and Leisure Loft Rancho Mirage Children’s School - John Heppen
Professor, University of Wisconsin River Falls - Jeffrey Herf
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland, College Park - Kim Herman
Teacher, Douglas County School District - Herbert Herman
professor, Stony Brook University - John Herman
Adjunct Professor, SUNY Empire State College - Victoria M Hernandez
teacher, lausd - Norma Hernandez
Teacher, SAISD - Beth Herndobler
Teacher, - Select - - Sarah Hersh
Professor, SUNY Potsdam - Evelyn Hersh
administrator, New York State - Tomasz Herzog
Professor of Social Foundations of Education and Social Studies Education, University of Maine at Presque Isle - Felicia Herzog
Museum Collections Manager, SUNY Plattsburgh - John Hess
Professor, Faculty Staff Union at University of Massachusetts Boston - Mary Hess
Retired educator, SUNY Oswego - Susanne Hesse & Doug Dyer
health professional, AMTA - Bill Hessell
Psychologist, Retired - Aubrey Hicks
Executive Director, USC Bedrosian Center - James Hicks
Professor, Biological Sciences, Univ of California Irvine - Andrew Higgins
Associate Professor, SUNY New Paltz - Chris Higgins
Professor, Boston College - Marguerite Hillman
Teacher, Hillman Consulting, LLC - Jeanette Hills
Retired civil servant, - Select - - Sara Hindman
School Administrator (ret.), Indianapolis Public Schools - Susan Hinely Hinely
Teacher, State of New York - Shari Hinkel
Administrative Assistant, University of Louisiana at Lafayette - Christine Hirsch
Associate Professor, SUNY College at Oswego - Audrey Hirsch
Retired teacher, RIAFTR - rosetta Hixson
MD, locums - Terri Hobson
Teacher, Public School - Marie Hoel
Retired, Retired - Thomas Hoey
Professional Faculty, University at Albany - Bernadine Hoffman
teacher, NYCDOE - Alexandra Hoffman
Librarian, Alfred State College - Alexander Hoffman
Coach, researcher and consultant, AleDev Research &Consulting - Jean Hoffmann
Exec Director, Community Link Boulder CO - Rosemarie Hogan
Teacher, NYCDOE - jacqueline Hogan
professional, Binghamton University Art Museum - Mark Hoglund
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Mary Ann Holanchock
Early Childhood Coordinator, St. Johns County School District - Madronna Holden
Dr., retired - Ginger Holguin
Lecturer, Staff, UCLA - James Holmberg
Teacher, TCTA - Esther Holmberg
Teacher, American Federation of Teachers - Wendy Holmes
Retired Professor, University of Rhode Island - Lorna Holmes
professor, University of Hawaii - Suzy Holstein
retired professor, Carroll College - Jim Holstun
Professor of English, University ast Buffalo, Department of English - Rena Honea
President, Alliance/AFT Local 2260 - Shelby L. Hood
N/A, N/A - Bettina Hoops
Teacher, Lecturer, University of Michigan, School of Education - Hazel Hopkins
Teacher, NYSUT - Yozo Horiuchi
Teacher, NYCDOE - Jovohn Hornbuckle
Retail worker, N/A - Whitney Horsey-sherin
Parent, N/a - Heather Horsley
Professor, California State University, Fresno - Tamara Horstman-Riphahn
staff, SUNY Buffalo State - Robert Horwitz
Vice-chair, Academic Senate, University of California - Robyn Hosley
Professor, SUNY Potsdam - Mary Hoven
Retired, Housewife - Deborah Hovland
Professor, SUNY - Raymond Howard
Retired Music Teacher, NYS Retired Teachers - John Howard
Teacher, Edmund Burke School - Jim Howe
Retired Professor, AFT Washington - Deb Howes
Teacher, Nashua Teachers' Union AFT 1044 - Patricia Howie
teacher, National Cathedral School - Kevin Howley
Professor of Media Studies, DePauw University - Maja Hrbat
Professor, Gimnazija Obala Sarajevo - Madeline Hsu
Professor, UT Austin - Peter Huang
Associate Professor, Binghamton University - Greg Huang-Dale
ESOL and Social Studies Teacher, Fryeburg Academy - Justine Huber
Educator, Tutor - John Huddlestun
Educational Interpreter, Highline School District - Jennifer Hudson
Teacher, AFT - Chloe Hughes
Professor, AFT-Oregon - Quenby Hughes
Professor of History, Rhode Island College - Tamara Hughes
Special Education Teacher, Douglas County School District - Lauren Hughes
Teacher, Pioneer Academy - Linda Hulen
Teacher, Anchorage School District - Thomas Humphrey
Associate Professor, Chair, Cleveland State University - Joseph Hundley
Associate Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY - Charles Hung
Investor, Wai Tak - Sandy Hunt
Teacher and Union President, Highline Education Association - Rehana Huq
Lecturer, Cornell University - Erick Huth
Retired Teacher, Metropolitan Nashville Education Association - Gerald Ianovici
Assistant Professor of English, Alfred State College, SUNY - anabell ibanez
Political Director, Untied Educators of San Francisco - Krystyna Illakowicz
Senior Lector I, Yale University - Linda Indyke
Retired Registered Nurse, None - John Inman
Professor, Tacoma Community College - Mary Irving
Associate Athletic Director, SUNY Cobleskill - jerome irwin
Retired San Francisco Special Ed Teacher, The Wild Gentle Press - Sophia Isajiw
Former Assistant Professor, California State University Stanislaus, HREC, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium - Emily Ishida
PSRP, IFT - Andrew Isoda
Engineer, Cable - BABA ISSAKA
Middle School Dean, Stoneleigh-Burnham School - Angie J
Psychologist, Doe - Gregory Jackson
Retired/ Paraeducator, Bethune charter/ Orleans school district - Kelly Jackson
Director of Continuing Education, SUNY Purchase College - Edith Jackson
Retired, Retired - Cara Jackson
Adjunct Lecturer, American University - Ariana Jacob
Adjunct Faculty, Art & Social Practice, Portland State University - David Jacobs
Professor, American University - Perry Jacobs
Substitute Teacher, Several public school districts - Julie Jacobson
Teacher, East Williston UFSD - Kenneth Jacobson
Retired, none - Stephen Jacobson
Distinguished Professor, University at Buffalo - Janelle Jacobson
Associate Professor, SUNY Potsdam - Husne Jahan
Adjunct Instructor, Evergreen Valley College - Ellen Jahos
Teacher, Independent - Elizabeth James
Teacher, Soda Springs High School - Gail Janensch
Retired, LWV - vicki janik
professor, united university professions - Justin Jansen
UniServ Director, Hawai’i State Teachers Association - Joy Janzen
teacher, Stony Brook University - Ed Jasewicz
Cost manager, SUNY Upstate Medical University - Patricia Jason
Attorney, Law Offices of Patricia Jason PLLC - Jeff Jasper
Teacher, Pascack Valley - Jude Jayatilleke
EOP Counselor, Buffalo State College - Matthew Jendian
Professor, California State University, Fresno - Dorothy G Jensen
Teacher - retired, AFT 857R - Lori Jervis
Professor, University of Oklahoma - Joyve Jesionowski
Lecturer, Binghamton University - Catherine Jewell
Instructor, Eastern Illinois University - Carol Jewell
Serials Copy Cataloger, University at Albany, SUNY - Leah Joggerst
Director of, Binghamton University, Harpur College of Arts and Sciences - Roger Johnson
Retired Physics Professor, North Hennepin Community College - retiree - Shari Johnson
Retires senior career teacher, Pft - Lee Johnson
Ranch Manager, Hobo Ranch, LLC. - Marsha Johnson
Teacher Assistant, CTU Local 1 - Shawn Johnson
teacher, PCA - Michael Johnson
Retired, Retired - Susan Moore Johnson
Research Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Darold Johnson
Legislative Director, Ohio Federation of Teachers - Jeri Johnson
Teacher, CCA Baldi Middle School - Jennifer Johnson
teacher, BHASD - Ed Johnson
Advocate for Quality in Public Education, None - Sarah Johnson
School Social Worker, Albuquerque Public Schools - Joshua Johnson
ELA Teacher 6-8, PCA - Kathleen Johnson
retired teacher, Harding High - Nova Johnson Derry
Teacher, PFT Local #3 - Vivian Johnston
Teacher, OPCSD - Caitlin Johnston
Teacher, Pajaro Valley Unified School District - Rachel Johnston-White
Assistant Professor of European Politics and Society, University of Groningen - Patricia Jones
Retired Texas Public School Teacher, AFT - M. Jones
engineer, UMG - Michelle Jones
Associate Professor, SUNY Delhi - Deborah Jones
Admissions Advisor, Buffalo State - Daniel Jones
Associate Professor, SUNY Poly - Lisa Jones
Counselor, College - Kimberly Jones
Human, Human race - Leland Jones Jr
School Psychologist (ret), Rifthp (ret) - Alicia Juarez
Teacher, APS - Fredi Juri
Teacher, PowerDance Technique - A K
Teacher, Teachers or Whatever - Nicholas Kadlec
CEO, NM Solar Group - Brian Kafel
Professor, County College of Morris - Marilyn Kaggen
retired teacher, nyc doe - Jane Kahan
retired teacher, substitute, retired St Paul Federation of Educators - Joseph Kahne
Professor, Co-Director - Civic Engagement Research Group, UC RIverside - Alison Kaiser
teacher, MNEA - Vrinda Kalia
Professor, Miami University - Cheryl Kallenbach
Retired Social Worker, na - Penina Kamina
Professor, SUNY Oneonta - Susan Kandel
Program Administrator, Harvard University - Yedida Kanfer
Educator, Non-profit - Paul Kaplan
Professor, Purchase College, SUNY - Marc Kaplan
retired, Northside Action for Justice - Deirdre Karcher
Teacher, Paterson Education Association - Nancy Karlebach
Retired Teacher, UFT - M. Karmen
Retired Teacher, UFT - Cynthia Karottki
Retired Teacher, Springfield, MA Public Schools & Roosevelt Univ., Chicago - Stan Karp
editor, Rethinking Schools - Stephanie Karpell
retired teacher, NYC Department of Education - Barbara Karyo
Professor, Suffolk Community College. (Retired) - Silvestri Katarina
Assistant Professor of Literacy Education, SUNY Cortland - Dale Katzen
retired teacher, NYSUT - Cara Kauffman
Teacher, Douglas County Public Schools - David Kazansky
Teacher, NYC DOE - Aastha KC
Student, Yale University - Lynn Kearney
Retired Teacher, Illinois Federation of Teachers Local 540 - John Kearns
Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY - Judith Keeler
teacher, none - Ron Keeney
Professor, Alfred State College - Nicole Keeney
Teacher, AFT - Kailey Kefi
Unemployeed, N/A - Vassiliki Kekela
Teacher, UFT - Barbara Kelly
Retired teacher, AFT - Patricia Kelly
Librarian, Massachusetts Library Staff Association, Lynnfield Public Library - Rose Kelly
Lecturer, U. C. Davis - Mary Kelly
Judge Widney Professor of Art, USC - Robert Kennedy
High School Science Teacher, Tenafly High School - Katharine Kennedy
Retired Mathematics Teacher, Mechanicsburg Area Senior High - Sam Kenney
Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance, State University of New York at Fredonia - Christina Kennison
Adjunct/Lecturer, University at Buffalo and Buffalo State - Thpmas Kenny
Retired, AT&T - Didi Kerler
Director, Gan Shalom Preschool - Chris Kermiet
Retired, Retired - Sheryl Kern-Jones
Instructor, Cabrillo College - Jim Kerner
Retired, Tour Guide - Tara Kerr
MLS, Other - Amy Kesselman
Professor Emerita Women's,Gender and Sexuality Studies, SUNY New Paltz - Lisa Kesten
Guidance counselor, Half hollow hills schools - S. Khan
Youth counselor, Center for Independence of the Disabled - NY - Faryal Khan
ED Specialist, HGSE alum - Brittany Kickel
Nurse Coordinator, Stony Brook Medicine - Katherine Kidd
Retired Teacher, RIAFT - Kathleen Kielar
Vice President, UUP - Buffalo Center - Penny Kimball
Retired, None - Barbara Kimmel
Educator, AFT - Lewis Kimmelman
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Orest Kinasevych
Instructor, former U.S. resident and immigrant, Red River College, Canada - Roy King
Teacher, Allan Hancock - Katherine King
Professor of Comparative Literature, UCLA - Cheryl King
School Counselor, Camden Central Schools - Radhika Kirkman
Teacher, PVFT - Hope Kiser
School media coordinator, retired - Donald Kisiel
Professor Emeritus, Suffolk County Community College - Betty Kissilove
teacher, CCSF - Lisa Kissinger
Academic Administrator, Shenendehowa CSD - Terese Kissner
retired, Carleton College - Virañani Maile Kjargaard
Buddhist Nun, Chanmyay Myaing Yeiktha - Karol Klein
parent, none - Barbara Klein
Teacher, Nassau BOCES - Diane Klein
adjunct law professor, Chapman University - Lucas Klein
professor, HKU - Susan Klein
retired bookbinder, Local 34 Unite Here - Cathy Klein
Teacher, New London Public Schools - daniel klein
Professor, Stony Brook University - Ethan Kleinberg
Professor, Wesleyan University - Dave Kleiner
Teacher, Clifton Public Schools - Leah Kliment
Teacher, Pioneer School - Angela Kloss
Parent, Homeschool - Peter Knuepfer
Associate Professor of Geology and Environmental Studies, Binghamton University - Sarah Knutson
Special Education Teacher, Council for Exceptional Children, WA branch - Karen Kobylarz
Teacher, Unity Junior High, Cicero, Illinois - Helene koenig
Retired teacher, AARP - Courtney Koestler
assoc. professor, Ohio U - Jim Kohlmoos
Principal, EDGE Consulting Partners - Kristen Hanson Koiles
Teacher, retired, NEA, SMUSD - William Kolb
retired teacher, None - John Kolega
Assocaite Professor, SUNY @ Buffalo - Deborah Kolling
Lead Field Placement Faculty, Geanite State College - Jeff Komisarof
Physician, Holy cross hospital - Kujo Konadu
Retired, Lrbinc - Virginia Koning
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Beth Kontos
Union President, AFT MA - Douglas Koop
Adjunct Lecturer, SUNY New Paltz - Gerd Korman
Professor Emeritus, Cornell University - Bonnie Koshofer
Retired occupational therapist, SFT - Kiki Kosnick
Assistant Professor, Augustana College - Ron Kostick
Teacher, UFT - Sara Kotzin
Adjunct Assist Prof, CUNY - Daniel Kotzin
Professor, Medaille College - Laura Koulish
Retired teacher, Nycdoe - Karen Koved
Retired Teacher, Ossining UFSD, New York - Frederick Kowal
Professor/Union President, United University Professions - Frederick Kowal
Professor/Union president, United University Professions/AFT Local 2190 - Jason Koy
Unemployed, N/A - Garry Kramchak
Retired, LLS - Victoria Kravitz
Administrative Assistant, Greenburgh Central School District - Bruce Krawisz
retired, none - Ethan Krenzer
Cashier, Independent Thinker - Marvin Kreps
Professor, Marist College - AMY KRETZ
Teacher, Scarsdale High School - Robert Krone
other, self - Jason Krosinsky
Teacher, Albuquerque Teachers Federation - Christie Krueger-Locy
Retired educator, Detroit Public Schools - SUSAN KRYCZKA
Educational Consultant/Co-founder, - Clarence Krygsheld
retired school administrator, ctpf - John Kryjak
Instructional Support Technician, Stony Brook University - Carolyn Kube
UUP SBHSC Chapter president, UUP - Adam Kubica
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Thomas Kuehne
Professor of History, Clark University - LeeAnn Kuhn
Professor, UUP - Brian Kulak
Teacher, Indian prairie school district 204 - Neil Kulick
Retired Teacher, Westwood, Mass. Public Schools - michael kulig
Retired, YMCA - richard kunkel
head honcho, usmfc - Chris Kunkel
Associate Professor, Rhode Island College - Maureen Kuntz
Retired Teacher, NYSUT - Helen Kuryllo
Teacher, Montclair High School - Daniel Kurz
Retired teacher, AFT/AFL-CIO - David Kwiat
Retired Professor, New World School of the Arts - Danielle La Pan
Teacher, NHPS - Michael La Porte
Attorney, Flachsbart & Greenspoon, LLC - Jim La Prad
Professor of Education, Western Illinois University - Katherine Lacasse
Associate Professor, Rhode Island College - Robert Lackey
Teacher, Dallas Independent School District - Aaron LaFave
Professional Staff, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Patrick Lafferty
Professor, Johnson County Community College - Claude Lafler
Retired, HD Supply - Antoine Lagarde
Teacher, SFUSD - Regina Lagrasta
Housing Coordinator, Stony Brook University - Diane LaHowchic
Retired, Corporate executive - Suzanne LaManna
Retired, UUP - Cheryl Lambrese
Retired Providence Sch.Dept., GPRRTA - Joseph Lamendola
Professor, UUP - Ray Lampe
Retired sales, NA - Pamela Lanagan
Retired educator, None - Mike Landes
Teacher, Hawaii DOE - Ken Landesman
Professor emeritus, UUP - Carole Lane
Retired teacher, NJEA-R. NEA - Norman Lane
Pipe Organ Designer, Norman Lane & Co. - Johanna Lane
instructor, UC Davis - Dr Roger L Lane
Professor (retired), Kent State University - Paulette Lane
retired teacher, Ashtabula Co. Joint Vocational School - Leigh Lane Peine
Senior Director of Marketing, Educational Credential Evaluators - Julia Lang
Teacher, Roaring Fork Schools - Brian Lang
Teacher, AFT - Barbara Langan
Retired, N/A - Kate Langdon
Teacher, Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Ryan Langley
Adjunct Sociology Professor, California State University Fullerton - Debbie Langworthy
Classified employee, HCU 4671 - Tom Lanning
Retired Teacher, NEOEA-R - Michael Lansing
Associate Professor of History, Augsburg University - Judy LaPietra
NC Teacher, UNCC-MACS - Michael LaPolla
Retired teacher, Marlboro Central School District - Michael LaPolla
Retired teacher, Marlboro Central School District - Ben Lapp
Associate Professor, Montclair State University - Daniel LaRosa
Advisor, University at Buffalo - Eric Larson
Teacher, Almansor Academy - Todd LaRue
Teacher, Chicago Public Schools - Judy Lasko
teacher, Third St. Music School - Lynn Lasota
Finance Officer, SUNY at Buffalo - Annie Latham
Administration, SUNY - Margrethe Lauber
Professor, State University of New York - Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz
professor, Eastern Illinois University - James Lautzenheiser
Teacher, Crestview Local Schools - Convoy, Ohio - Claire Lavagnino
Lecturer, UCLA - Alison Law
Teacher, Douglas County Federation - Stephanie Lawhorne
Director, Tutoring Center, SUNY Morrisville - Michael Lawler
Supporter, Self - Stephen Lazar
Teacher, Harvest Collegiate High School - Christopher Lazauskas
IT Analyst, Stonybrook HSC - Dale Le Fevre
Adult Education teacher, New Games Ltd - Jane Leadabrand
Teacher, Ralston public schools - Joanna Leary
Teacher, NEA - Stephen Leberstein
Professor of History, Ret., City College of NY - Martin Lecker
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, SUNY Rockland Community College - William Lee
Teacher, UFT - Donna Lee
Teacher, SFUSD - Liz Lee
Professor of Photography, SUNY Fredonia - Darlene Lee
Musician, Private - Pauline Lee
Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Saint Louis University - Keith Lehman
English Teacher, Wyoming High School - Pedro Lei
Research Instructor, University at Buffalo - Helen Lemay
Professor Emerita, Stony Brook University no - Dafna Lemish
Professor, Rutgers University - Melinda Lemke
Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY - Paul Lenart
Respiratory Therapist, CWA - Constance Leo Ryan
Teacher, UFT, NAEYC - Amy Leonard
Professor, Georgetown University - Jeff Leonhardt
Retired teacher, GTBA-R - Debra Lesser
Executive Director, Justice Resource Center inc - Rosalie Lesser
Teacher retired, Fairfax county - Bethany Letiecq
Professor of Human Development and Family Science, George Mason University - Eve Levin
Professor emertia, University of Kansas - Andy Levine
Teacher, DCSD - Meira Levinson
Professor of Education, Harvard University - Tamara Levitz
Professor, University of California Los Angeles - Brett Levy
Associate Professor, University at Albany, State University of New York - Sandra Lewis
Emeritus Professional, UUP/SUNY Fredonia - Jenny Lewis
Dean of Students, Vista Grande High School - Leslie Lewis
Professor, Goucher College - Mitzi Lewison
Professor Emeritus of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education, Indiana University - Kallie Leyba
President, Douglas County Federation - Kallie Leyba
President, Douglas County Federation - Jenny Libien
Chair of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Paul Lieberman
Artist in Residence, Noble and Greenough School - Leslie Lieman
Director Clinical Practice, CUNY Lehman College - Glenda Lilling
Teacher, Montessori Garden Inc - Jocelyn Lillis
Medical Case Manager, Apex Community Care - Robynne Limoges
Retired, Photographer - Christina Limpert
Assistant Professor, SUNY ESF - Sarah Lincoln
Teacher, The Schoolhouse - Kenneth Lindblom
Professor of English, Stony Brook University, SUNY - Robyn Linde
Professor, Rhode Island College - Paul Linden-Retek
Lecturer, University at Buffalo School of Law - Kristin Lindgren
Faculty, Writing Program & Health Studies Program, Haverford College - Karen Lindner
School Counselor, Dr.J.P. Cleary Elementary School - jen lindsay
Teacher, Vashon School District - David Lingelbach
Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Baltimore - Eloise Linger
Assoc Professor Emerita, SUNY - OW - Virgene Link-New
retired, Dr. - Alan Lippel
Lawyer, NYS &NJ Bar - Ann Lippel
Retired College Exec., UMDNJ - David Lippel
Teacher, Haverford College - Marcie Lipsitt
Education advocate, Michigan Alliance for Special Education - Daniel Lipson
Associate Professor of Political Science, SUNY New Paltz - Sara Lipton
Professor, State University of New York at Stony Brook - Ellen Cogen Lipton
Trustee, Michigan Promise Zone Association - Patricia Liske
Retired IT Coordinator, APS - Leslie Liszak
Addictions therapist, Retired - Stanley Litow
Professor of the Practice, Duke University - Larry Little
PE Teacher, Fairfax County Public Schools - Daniel little
Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan-Dearborn - Lee Livermore
Educator, NYS SUNY System - Michael Livingston
Teacher, New Jersey Education Association - Margaret Livingstone
retired educator, NEA - James Lobdell
Dr., retired - John Locke
Professor, SUNY Plattsburgh - Ken Loehlein
Retired, Retired - Lloyd Lofthouse
U.S. Marine, combat vet, published author and retired teacher, USMC - Patricia Logan-Greene
Associate Professor of Social Work, University at Buffalo, School of Social Work - Gay Marie Logsdon
Retired technical editor, writer, ORNL - Michael Lonergan
Librarian Emeritus, NYSUT - Kelly Lonergan
Teacher, WJHSD - Ernesto Longa
Professor, Law Librarian, University of New Mexico - Mary Loomba
professor/librarian, Westchester Community College - Paul Loomis
Teacher, Yuba City High School - Ginger Looney
Educator, Albuquerque Public School - Ralph Lopez
retired, retired - Kaori Lopez
teacher, Penasco Independent School District - Paul H. Lord
Lecturer & Researcher, SUNY Oneonta - Paula Loscocco
Professor of English, Lehman College CUNY - Robert Losonsky
professional, SUNY - Susan L Louden
Retired Teacher, Indiana Retired Teachers Association - Elizabeth Love
retired teacher, SHRTA - Laura Lovett
Associate professor, University of Pittsburgh - Laura Lovett
Associate professor, University of Pittsburgh - Carol Lowe
Professor, SUNY Potsdam - Evan Lowenthal
High school ELA Teacher; union chapter leader UFT., A. Philip Randolph Campus HS/UFT - Justin Lowry
Assistant Professor, SUNY Plattsburgh - Alana-Patris Loyer
Professor, SWC - Davina Lucero
Teacher, Peñasco School District - Michael Ludwig
Professor, Hofstra University - Melvin Luebke
Chief of Staff, AFSCME Council 3 - Kimberly Cole Luevano
Professor, University of North Texas - Alejandro Lugo
Anthropology Faculty Affiliate-2019 Star of Arts and Sciences, New Mexico State University - Vandy Lujan
Teacher, APS - Vandy Lujan
Educator, AFT - Barbara Luka
Academic Advisor, Binghamton University - Sophia Lukatya
Elementary School Teacher, Chicago Teachers Union - Karen Lull
retired teacher, universities - Beatrice Lumpkin
Retired Teacher, CTU - Pedro Luna
Counselor, Lehman College - CAROL LUND
Teacher, Masconomet High School - Rick Luttmann
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, California State University - Stephanie Ly
President, AFTNM - Moira Lynch
Professor, UW River Falls - Michael Lyon
Associate Professor, Upstate Medical University - Arabella Lyon
Professor, UUP - Patti Lyon
librarian, Albuquerque Public Schools - Cara MacCarthy
Teacher, 4th Grade, Aurora Public Schools, Colorado - John MacDougall
Emeritus Professor, U.Mass.Lowell - Kazia Macey
Retired Educator, N/A - Judith Mackenzie
Retired higher ed administrator, Dartmouth College - Kim MacKinnon
retired teacher now chapter assistant, Buff State College/UUP - Anne Macpherson
Professor, SUNY Brockport - Janet Mactague
Retired teacher, LVSD - Craig MacVittie
Manager, Application Development, University at Buffalo - Martha Madsen
Executive Director, New Hampshire Institute For Civics Education - Mary Madsen
Nurse practitioner, SUNY Downstate - Mike Maes
President, Pueblo Education Association - Rochelle Maes
Teacher, PEA - Andrea Maestrejuan
Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver - Susan Maguire
Assoc. Professor, SUNY Buffalo State - Toni Mahern
Retired teacher, NEA - William Mahoney-watson
Adjunct Faculty, Portland Community College - Usha Maidin
Teacher, Primary school - Charles Maier
Professor Emeritus, Harvard University - Sharon Majetich
Teacher, Douglas County Schools (Colorado) - Evan Major
President, Hamtramck Board of Education, Hamtramck Public Schools - Arkadiy Makaron
Pharmacist, Upstate University Hospital - Pamela Malone
Senior Staff Associate, SUNY Empire State College - Kara Maloney
Adjunct Professor, Canisius College - Klaudia Malpaya
Teacher, Nonpublic and SCCCD - Janet Malta
Retired Teacher, AFT - Iona Man-Cheong
Professor, Stony Brook University - Jay Mancini
Educator, NYCDOE - sue mangan
Teacher, Reitred OFT - Sabita Manian
Adjunct, University at Albany - Linda Mank
Teacher, Bellevue Botanical Garden - Daniel Mann
Professor, CUNY - Cathy Mannen
Union Professional Issues Director, Illinois Federation of Teachers - Tina Maria E Manning
Executive Administrative Assistant, SUNY Stony Brook - Susan Manning
Teacher, CTECS - Tina Maria E Manning
Executive Administrative Assistant, SUNY Stony Brook - Elizabeth Manning
Special Educator, City Neighbors Charter, Baltimore City Public Schools - Michele Manno
Retired teacher, UFT - Kathleen Mantaro
Adjunct Instructor, SUNY Oswego - Jennifer Manwell
Teacher, Open Fields School - Eve Manz
Assistant Professor, Boston University Wheelock College of Education and Human Development - Aaron Maracle
Violence Prevention Specialist, University at Buffalo - Charity Maramonte
Teacher, Gscft - Michael Marchman
Former educator, AFT3544 - Rodney Marco
School Psychologist, Retired - Sarah Marcy
Principal, Bronx Lab School, NYC DOE - Carine Mardorossian
Professor, University at Buffalo - Deborah Marez-Baca
Educ. Assistant, ABQ. Public School - JUDITH MARGOLIS
Retired NYC HS teacher, UFT - John Markowitz
Professor, Columbia University - Richard Marowitz
Principal, Retired, NYC Department of Education - Michael Marquardt
Retired teacher and counselor, CEA, NEA - Celia Marshik
Professor, Stony Brook University - Christopher Martell
Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston - Alan Martin
Paraprofessional, NTDSE - Frank Martin
Dream Dragon, Loyal Order of Democratic Dragons - Paul Martin
Retured teacher & coach, Chesaning HS(Mi) - Sharon Martin
Teacher, Pescodia Primary School South Africa - Paul Martin
Professor, SDCCD - Scott Martin
Professor of History and American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University - Maureen Martin
Retired, AFT-R - Judith Martinez
Teacher - Middle School Social Studies, St John XXIII School, Middletown, OH - Eliliana Martinez
Senior EOP/Financial Aid Coord., Suny /Old Westbury - Maritza Martinez
Administrator, Suny Albany - Isabel Martinez
Teacher, Edinburg AFT - Trina Mason
School Social Worker, Detroit Public Schools Community - John Mason
Professor, Political Department, William Paterson Univ. of NJ - Michelle Masse
Professor, Louisiana State University - Jill Massino
Associate Professor, UNC Charlotte - Kathy Massura
Retired teacher, AFT/IFT - April Masten
Professor, Stony Brook University - Catherine Mastronardi
President, Springfield Federation of Paraprofessionals - Cheryl Matas
Educator, The Prctical Science Teachers - Tania Mather
College Administrative Staff, Purchase College - Madeleine Mathiot
professor emeritus, SUNY at Buffalo - Barbara-Jean Mathis
Retired teacher, NY retired teachers union - Tom Matthews
Professional, Emeritus, SUNY Geneseo - Karen Matulina
teacher, BPS - Joseph Matunis
Teacher, El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice - Helen Matusow-Ayres
College Administrator, Pratt Institute - Diane Maurer
Director of Field Experience and Certification Emerita, The College at Brockport, SUNY - Carrie Maxwell
Senior Researcher, The Legacy Project Chicago's Education Initiative - Jacqueline Maxwell
Teacher, Wellesley public schools - Robert May
Professor Emeritus of History, Purdue University - Jill P May
Professor Emerita, College of Education, Purdue University - David Mayer
Finance Manager, Olympia Food Co-op - Ken Mayers
Teacher, Bergen County Academies - William Maynard
Retired, N/A - Debbie Mayorga
Prek Teacher, Clint ISD - Kenneh Mazlen
Professor of Sociology Emeritus, SNUYPOLYTECHNIC, State University of New York Polytechnic - Lawrence Mazza
Laboratory Business Manager, Stony Brook University Hospital - Leon McAllister
Teacher, NYCDOE - Charlie McAteer
Statewide Retiree Chair, United University Professions - Ellen McCabe
Associate Librarian Emeritus, SUNY College at Cortland - Sudia Paloma McCaleb
Professor or Environmental Education, Internaitoanl Educator, Teacer Credential educator, Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) director of Center for Critical Environmental & Global Literacy (CCEGL) - Monica McCarthy
Academic Counselor, City College of San Francisco - Karin McCartney
Music teacher, PreK-5, Newburgh Enlarged City School District - Teresa McCarty
Professor of Education and Faculty, American Indian Studies, University of California, Los Angeles - Eden McCauslin
Teacher, CPS - Rickie mcclure
retiree, UUP - Local 2190 - Robert McCollister
Teacher, Rock Hill Local Schools - Teal McConn
Graphic Designer, Teal McConn - Ted McConnell
Executive Director, Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools - Steven McCormack
Teacher, NYSUT BSCTA - Ann McCormack
Teacher, Freelance - Ann McCormack
Teacher, Freelance - Kara McCormick-Lyons
Teacher, NYSUT - David McCoy
Retired editor, None - John McCrann
Teacher, Harvest Collegiate High School - Celia McCrossen-Klaus
Educational sign language interpreter, Albuquerque Public Schools - Gail McCulloch
Director, Stony Brook University - Charles McDaniel
Retired, Hughes Aircraft Company - J Cynthia McDermott
Regional Director, Antioch University California - James McDermott
MA Teacher of the Year '88, Clark University - Monica McDonald
Physical Science Teacher, West Ada School District, Boise ID - Michael G. McDonald
Special Educator, Oak Hill School, San Anselmo, Calif. - John Mcdonald
President, Henry Ford College Federation of Teachers, AFT 1650 - Chris McDougal
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Suffolk County Community College—Grant Campus - Steven McDougall
Teacher, SVFT 1020 - Vickie McElroy
Retired middle school history and English teacher, Fulton County Board of Ed - Ellen McGlone
music teacher, self-employed - Emily Mcgovern
Para, NYC board of ed - Jo Ann McGreevy
Retired Bookseller, NYU - L. Dianne Mcgreevy
former teacher, retired - Corinne McGue
Legislative Director, Lake County Federation of Teachers - George McKee
Senior Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Johanna McKeon
Theatrical Director, Freelance - Monica McKeown Gallicho
Retired, DA's Office - Jill Mckibben
Educator, JSM - Diane McKinney
Retired Teacher, Harlem Consolidated School District - Amankwa McKinzie
President Local 3486A CFT,AFL-CIO, AFT; Vice President CFT, Eq & Fac Tech, CFT,AFT,AFL-CIO, Compton College - Amankwa McKinzie
President Local 3486A CFT,AFL-CIO, AFT; Vice President CFT, Eq & Fac Tech, CFT,AFT,AFL-CIO, Compton College - James McLean
Professor, State Univ of NY at Geneseo - Regina McLean
President, Port Washington Teachers Association - Jonathan McLeod
Emeritus Professor of History, San Diego Mesa College - Jonathan McLeod
Emeritus Professor of History, San Diego Mesa College - Kammy McLoughlin
Professor, Stony Brook School of Nursing - judy mcmahon
retired teacher, UFT - Elizabeth McManus
Lecturer of French, SUNY Geneseo - Amy McMillan
Director, SUNY Buffalo State - Marion Mcnamara
Retired Teacher, Retired - Kathleen McNamara
Teacher Educator, Stonehill College - Geraldine McNenny
Professor, Chapman University - Susan McRae
Retired, Citizen - Mari McShane
Senior Administrative Coordinator, Ms. - H McTernan
Physics Teacher, St Edward HS - Mary McVee
Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY - Jeanette McVicker
Professor of English, SUNY Fredonia - Jerry Mead
Teacher, FEA/RETIRED - Michael Megariz
Bus druver, Mesa vista consolidated Schools - Bonnie Meguid
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Rochester - Deborah Meier
Founder, Central Park East Secondary School - Gabriele Meissner
Senior Lecturer, Anglo-American University - Thomas Melendy
professor, SUNY Buffalo - Andrea Melione
Instructional support, Binghamton University - Kristine Melloy
Professor and Coordinator, University Of Northern Colorado - Constance Melrose
Corporate Development Advisor and Founder, Constance Melrose LLC - Jeanne Melvin
President, Public Education Partners - Linda Menard
Retired educator, RIAFTR - Michael Mendel
Teacher, UFT - Karen Mendelsohn
Assistant Dean, Stony Brook University - Mary Mendez
Instructor, FTCC - Pedro Mendia Landa
Director, New Haven Public Schools - Howard Menikoff
Teacher, UFT - Sharon Menzel
retired educator, Rockwood School District - Eduardo Mercado
Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY - Debra Meredith
Teacher, Early Learning Project - Esa Merson
Learning Center Director, SUNY Cortland - debra messing
actor, Starz - Gary Metzenbacher
Pastor, New Creation MCC - Stamos Metzidakis
Professor Emeritus of French and Comparative Literature, Washington University in Saint Louis - JUDY MEUSEL
Retired Teacher, WMBOE - NJEA - Pamela Meuser
Retired teacher, Retired - Tom Meyer
Professor, SUNY New Paltz - Lynn Meyers
Professor Emerita of Voice, SUNY Potsdam - Brenda Michaels
Teacher, healer, radio host, Conscious Talk Radio - Vera Michalchik
researcher, Connected Learning Lab, University of California, Irvine - Abraham Michelen
Professor, SUNY Poly, Utica - Francis S Midy
Social Studies HS Teacher, United Federation of Teachers - Tanya Milazzo
Higher Education Administration, SUNY Upstate Medical University - Robert Miles
retired electronic engineer, none - Mary Mille
Retired teacher, Deer Park Retired Teachers’ Association - Fran Miller
retired reacher, UFT - john miller
professor emeritis, cornell university - Tim Miller
retired, N/A - Dorothy Miller
professor, Boston college - Steven Miller
retired, Special Ed - Kevin Miller
Retired teacher, Township High School Dist. 211 - John Miller
President, University Professionals of Illinois Local 4100 Local 4100 - Jeanne Miller
Instructor, Ventura College - Ralph Miller
Professor, State University of New York at Binghamton - Jeff Miller
Professor, State University of New York at New Paltz - Tatiana Miller
Teacher, Santa Cruz City Schools - Stephen Miller
Special Education Teacher, Albuquerque Teachers Federation - Annie Miller
Retired Administrator, Year - Jessica Miller
Assistant Professor, Montclair State University - Joshua Millerj
Professor of Government and Law, Lafayette College - Jeff Millstone
Professor, Austin Community College - Caren Milman
Calligrapher, Washington calligraphy guild - Yolette Milord
Performance Improvement Clinical Specialist, SUNY Downstate UHB - Jack Milton
Professor emeritus, UC Davis - Jenny Mincin
Assistant Professor, SUNY Empire College - Lynne Mindes
Educational Consultant, Boston Public Schools - Brian Mirand
It Professional, UUP Buffalo Universsity - Veronica Miranda
Professor, Cerritos College, Chaffey College - Cohen Miriam
Professor, Vassar College - Cohen Miriam
Professor, Vassar College - Peggy Mitchell
Retired Community College Instructor, Butte College, Oroville - Adrienne Mitchell
Community college faculty member, LCCEA - Sandeep Mitra
Professor, SUNY Brockport - Darren Mitton
Mr., Sorceror-Ipsissimus - Jan Modjeski
retired teacher, none - Brandon Moens
teacher, Woodland District 50 - Sumit Mohan
Associate Professor, Columbia University - Patricia Molloy
Professor, Rhode Island College - Mary jo Mondlocj
EA, AFT - Cindy Moneyhon
Teacher, San Antonio ISD - Edward Monjaras
Retired, AFT Local 1420 - Jean Mont-Eton
Retired teacher, Peace and Justice - Liz Montegary
Associate Professor, Stony Brook University - Dan Montgomery
Teacher, President, Illinois Federation of Teachers - Charlotte Montoya
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Charlotte Montoya
Yoga Instructor, YogaZo - Gloria Montoya-Gallegos
Bus driver, AFCP 4129 - Alexander Moon
Assistant Professor of Politics, Ithaca College - Karen Mooney
Lecturer, SUNY Geneseo - felicity moore
Retired teacher, CFT 2216 - Kevin Moore
Professor, SUNY Cobleskill - Julie Moore
English Instructor, Green River College - Sharon Moore
Teacher, CRTA - Douglas Moore
Librarian, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry - Christine Moores
Teacher, Hamtramck Federation of Teachers - Steven Morales
Retired Teacher, UFT - Brenda Morales
Teacher, School District of Lancaster - Mark Moralls
Bus driver, Wake County Public Schools - Michael Moran
Education Specialist, TK-3, South Bay Union School District - Mary more
teacher, the schoolhouse - Claude Morell
Retired science educator, UFT - Dante Morelli
Professor of Communication Studies, Suffolk County Community College - Carol A. Morgaine
Professor Emerita, Portland State University - Lea Morgan
Retired, Dr. Lea Morgan - Patricia Morley, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Farmingdale State College - Joan Morris
Retired Teacher, UFT* - Maureen Morris
Retired, None - Rethea Morrod
Tetired, Retired - Jorge Morros
Counselor, Self - Jennifer Morrow
speech language pathologist, Diversified - Kenneth Mortland
Retired Civics Teacher, WEA/Mainstream Republicans of WA - Diana Moseman
Instructional Support, SUNY Oneonta - Janet Moser
Teacher Librarian, PWuFSD - Randolph Moses
Professor, The Ohio State University - Darrell Moss
Retired, At Home - Jennifer Sheridan Moss
Associate Professor, Wayne State University - Loren Moss Meyer
Graphic Designer, Stony Brook University - Derryn Moten
Professor of History, Alabama State University - Marta Moya-Goldenberg
School Social Worker, Dep. Education, NYC - Jennifer-jo Moyer
Retired Teacher, NYC DOE - Elizabeth Mozer
Professor, Binghamton University - nirmala Mudaliar
Associate professor( retired), State university at Buffalo, N.Y - Emily Muellenberg
Teacher, DCSD - AFT - Fasahat Muhammad Iqbal
Teacher, Shining Star International School - Eliana Mukherjee
Professor, Palm Beach State College - Greg Mulcahy
Instructor, Century College/MSCF - Tom Mullen
Principal, Leaders High School - Robyn Muncy
Professor of History, University of Maryland, College Park - Jennifer Munoz
Teacher, De Mar Union - Sally Muravchik
Retiree, Title * - Esther Murillo
Retired teacher, NYC Department of Education - Bryan Murley
professor, Eastern Illinois University - Linda Murphy
Substitute teacher, P.G.Co. Bd. of Ed. - Kalli Murphy
Teacher, MFPE - Kevin Murphy
Teacher, AFT 1481 - Larry Murphy
Retired/part time, AARP - Barbara Murphy
, - Cornelius B Murphy Jr
President Emeritus, SUNY ESF - Brian Murray
Social Studies Teacher, North Colonie Central School District - Al Musacchio
Retired teacher, UFT - Mary Mutch
Retired teacher., Retired - Eric Myers
Professional Faculty, SUNY New Paltz - Lauri Naccarato
Teacher, Kingston Teachers' Federation - Cushla Naegele
Teaching Artist, Studio In A School - Mechthild Nagel
Professor, SUNY Cortland - Yunju Nam
Associate Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY - Jean Naples
Retired Physician and Public Health Researcher, Private citizen - Helana Nardell
Academic Advisor, SUNY Geneseo - vincent Nardozza
retired teacher, swrta - Matt Narode
College Admissions, University at Albany - Stephen Naron
Director, Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies - JoAnn Nathan
teacher, St. Paul Public Schools - Kimberly Navarroli
Director, SUNY: University at Buffalo - Barney Navas
Special Education Teacher, NYC DOE - Rich Navies
Teacher, CCPS - Susan Neal
Teacher, - None - - Denise Necoechea
Professor, Point Loma Nazarene University - Barbara Need
Adjunct Professor, Tompkins Cortland Community College - Linda Needleman
Teacher, retired high school teacher - Holly Neely
Teacher, Pittsburgh public schools - Laura Neiman
Psychologist, self-employed - Jennifer Nelson
Affiliate Faculty in Clarinet, University of Puget Sound - Milton and Shirley Nelson
Retired, Florence Organizes - Robert Nelson
Administrator, retired, PSC-CUNY - Joy Nelson
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Bradley Nelson
Teacher, Grantsburg High School - Joseph Neri
Secondary administrator/teacher, AFT - Darlene Netcoh
Teacher and Teachers' Union President, Warwick Teachers' Union - Jonathan Neufeld
Associate Professor, College of Charleston - susan neuman
Professor of Literacy Development, New York University - Samuel Newman
Unemployed, N/A - Rachel Newman
Teacher, School District of Philadelphia - Louis Newman
Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Stanford University - Gina Newton-Yarber
Teacher, Albuquerque public schools - Penny Ng
Manager of Finance & Operations, University at Albany, SUNY - A. Nicely
Nurse, Marion County Schools - Greg Nicholas
Retired, VA Volunteer - Robin Nichols
Retired, Osher@RIT - Robin Nichols
Retired, Osher@RIT - Tracy Nichols
Teacher-Librarian, Albuquerque Public - David Nicholson
public school teacher, MCPS - Jay Nickerson
Teacher, Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter School - Mark Nicol
Professor of Political Science, Saginaw Valley State University - Tom Nieland
Teacher, Mr. & Mrs. - Tricia Niesz-Kutsch
professor, Kent State University - Kathryn Niles
Adjunct Professor, Binghamton University - Michele Ninacs
Professor, SUNY - Ida Nissen
Retired teacher, STRS - John Nixon
Professor, SUNY Canton - Jerome Niyirora
Associate Professor, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Joel Nobel
RETIRED Teacher, UFT - Mark Nobriga
Teacher, West Valley College - Jo Nol
adjunct professor, UCONN School of Social Work - Mary Nolan
Professor of History emerita, NYU - Sean Noonan
Professor of Sociology, Harper College, Palatine IL USA - Peter Noonan
Superintendent of Schools, Falls Church City Public Schools - Tricia Noone
Senior Lecturer, Georgia Southern University - Judith Norman
Professor, Trinity University - Dwayne Norris
Vice President of Membership & Involvement, Albuquerque Teachers Federation 1420 - Jenae Norris
Senior Associate Director, Binghamton University - Regina Norris
Teacher, OEA - David Norton
Director, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Nono Nottoday
Teacher, No political nonsense is best - Marcy Novak
Teacher/Principal, DEAW - Barbara Novelli
Teacher, Santa Cruz City Schools - Rhea Nowak
Professor of Art, SUNY Oneonta - Donna Noyes
Registered Nurse, North well Health - Alison Noyes
Assistant Director, Emerging America: Collaborative for Educational Services - William Nusbaum
55426, N/A - Allison Nyamuame
Administrator, Binghamton University - Eileen O'Brien
Psychologist, Retired- NYS - Maureen O'Brien
Professor (ret.), Springfield Tech Community College - Anne O'Byrne
Philosophy Professor, UUP, Stony Brook University - Jac O'Casey
SPED Teacher, 09110x: Theodore Schoenfeld Elementary School - Arcelia O'Connor
Special Ed. Paraeducator, Retired - Paul O'Donnell
Teacher -- ret., PTURC (Providence Teachers Union Retiree Chapter) - Nyemah O'Garro
Teacher, UFT - Karen O'Kain
Professor (Retired), George Brown College - Patricia O'Kelly
parent/grandparent/former paraprofessional, - - Elizabeth O'Mara
Advancement, Oak Knoll Achool - Susan O'Neal
teacher, WCCUSD - Cheryl O'Reilly
Systems Analyst I, Dept of Education - Brittny O’Connor
School psychologist, UESF - Emily Oaks
Associate Professor Emerita, SUNY Oswego - Brian Obach
Professor of Sociology, SUNY New Paltz - Nancy Obermueller
librarian, teacher, retired - Lenny Obolsky
Management, TCS - Conor OBrien
English teacher, SCCS - Cathy OByrne
Paraeducator, UESF #61 - Jennifer Ocampo
Adjunct Professor, Farmingdale State College - Paul Occhiogrosso
Executive Counsel to the President, The City College of New York - james ochal
Engineer, albany university - Brent Ochiai
Purchasing Asst., Binghamton University - Lisa Ochs
CEO, Ohio Nurses Association - Susan Ochshorn
Founder, ECE PolicyWorks - Julia OConnor
Teacher, Retired - John Oda
RN, CPMC - Paula Ohmart Oddo
Retired Texas teacher, AFT - Kathleen Offenholley
Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY - Amy Offner
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania - Ramon Ojeda-Mestre
Teacher, CEIIT SNTE AMDA - Antonio Olarrea
Professor, Hispanic Linguistics, The University of Arizona - Kathryn Olesko
Associate Professor, History of Science, Georgetown University - Susan Olive
Professor, Kent State University - Anthony Olivo
Instructional Support Specialist, Stony Brook University - Joan Ollom
RN, retired - Yvonne Olmsted
Librarian Assisant I, Loutit District Library - Suzanne Olmsted
Associate Professor, San Francisco Art Institute - Shana olsen
Library Services, Educational Assistant , Eugene 4j school district - Sheila ONEIL
Teacher, Lynn Teachers Union, Local 1037 - Kathy Oppenhuizen
Marketer, Cornelius Consulting Services - Howard Ordo
Retired Army, US Army - Annette Orlando
Teacher, CCSD - Sharon Orlowek
Retired teacher/ Field Rep, Chicago Teachers Union - Michele Orosz
Educational Assistant, Albuquerque Public Schools - B. Ortega
Social Studies Dept. Chair, APS - Robert Ortiz
sales associate, Goodwill industries - Eric Orts
Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania - kazem Oryani
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Farmingdale State College, SUNY - Susan Osberg
Teacher, North Kingstown, RI, High School (retired) - Kerry Osterwald
Union Assistant, United University Professions (UUP) - Anne Ostrom
Paraeducator, Edmonds School District - Gerri Osuna
Part-time Faculty, Allan Hancock College - Jennifer Otey
Assistant Professor, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University - Karl Erik Ravn Ottesen
Teacher, Herre - M K Ottley
Teacher, Weber High School - Jesse Overton
Postal Worker, American Postal Workers Union - Kyla Owens
Teacher, Dohn Community HS - Victoria Pacheco
Organizer, DFPNSE Local 4463 - Earl Packard
Assistant Professor, SUNY Alfred StateCollege - Robert Padilla
Teacher, ALBUQUERQUE Public Schools - Beverly Padilla
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Lorraine Padilla
Teacher, Albuquerque Teachers Federation - Ronald Page
Special Education Teacher, DCPS - Felipe Pait
lecturer, Northeastern University - Mary Palacios
Teacher, San Diego Unified School District - Cynthia Palazzolo
Professor, Pacific Lutheran University - Richard Paley
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine, Florida Atlantic University - Barbara Pallazzo
Retired Deputy Director, Retired American Fed Teachers - Nancy J Palmer
Teacher, Oakfield-Alabama Elementary School - Ann Palmer
professor, Austin Community College - Anne Palombo
Teacher, Rye Neck High School - Jyoti Pandit
Associate Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook - Andreas Pape
Associate Professor, Binghamton University (SUNY) - David Pardini
Teacher, Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory - Darin Pardoe
Teacher, Geneseo District 228 - Jackie Paredes
Legislative Rep., NYSUT - Rose Parker
Writer, None - Sandy Parker
Professor, University of Maryland Baltmore County - Kokila Parmar
Professor, SUNY @Buffalo/EOC - Harriet Parnes
Retired teacher, NYC Department of Education - IRMA PARRA
Teacher, SAISD - Amy Partridge
Assoc. Prof. of Instruction, Northwestern U - Gretchen Paruch
Chair and Founding Program Director, Physician Assistant Program, retired, Sullivan University - Rama K Paruchuri
Information Technology, DataHash LLC - Kimberley Parzuchowski
Adjunct Professor, Lane Community College - Bridget Paskett
Teacher, Lompoc Unified School District - Linda Pasternacki
MS, RN-school nurse, Albuquerque Public Schools - Susan Pate
Retired, SAP - Terry Patterson
Career Advisor, UB EOC - Alethea Patterson
Special Education Teacher, AFT - Andrew Paul
Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina Asheville - A Paye
Asst. Principal, Torrington - Diane Payne
retired professor, University of Arkansas-Monticello - John Payne
Professor, Cypress College - Kristie Peak
Teacher, Evergreen School District - Anna Peak
Associate Professor of Instruction, Temple University - Linda Pearce
School nurse, GGUSD - Joshua Pearson
Adjunct Instructor, California State U, Los Angeles - david peckham
Retired professor, UUP - John Pederson
Teacher, MPS - Laura Pendergraft
Teacher, SCCS - Stacy Pendergrast
Education Research Coordinator, AR PBS - Stacy Pendergrast
Education Research Coordinator, AR PBS - Beth Penny
Retired Educator, University of Oregon - Rosadelle Perez
Retired Teacher, UFT - Donato Perl
Retired educator -University of Northern Colorado, Greeley Evans School District 6 and University of Northern Colorado - Christopher Perle
Professor, FSCJ - Greg Perles
Teacher, North Shore Schools Federated Employees - janet perlman
pediatrician, stanford childrens health - Camillr Perlo
Retired educator, Rochester City Schools - George Peterman
Teacher, Hamden Public Schools - Mary Petersman
Program Director, University of Cincinnati - Bob Peterson
City wide representative on the Milwaukee School Board, Rethinking Schools - Sherri Peterson
Early Childhood Educator and Teacher Trainer, University of Northern Iowa - Alana Peterson
PARAPROFESSIONAL, CTU-279 - Stephanie Petkovsek
Lecturer, SUNY Canton - Carrington Petras
Adjunct Professor of Classics, Emerita, James Madison University - John petroni
therapist, none - Don Pew
Retired, None - John Pezzlo
Patent Examiner, USPTO - Janice Pfeiffer
House Manager, SUNY Purchase, Performing Arts Center - Joe Pfister
Instructor, Brooklyn Brainery - Nancy Phear
Teacher, LAUSD - Stephen Phillips
Retired Superintendent,, NYC Board of Education - Mark Phillips
Professor and journalist, SFSU and Marin Independent Journal - Alan Philpot
Professional Staff, SUNY - Vickie Phipps
Professor of Art, Graphic Design, Augustana College - Nancy Picciolo
Teacher (retired), NYCBOE - Marielle Pichon
Special Education Teacher, KIPP New Orleans Schools - Amy Pick
Professional Faculty, SUNY New Paltz - Jacqueline Picozzi
Retired teacher, Ms - Jean Pieper
Retired teacher, Shelton Bd of Ed - Gretchen Pierce
Associate Professor, Shippensburg University - Thomas Pilewski
Professor, SUNY Morrisville - Raamitha Pillay
Adjunct instructor, SUNY Canton - Ted Piltzecker
professor, SUNY Purchase - Francis Pina
Mathematics Teacher, Boston Public Schools - Shachar Pinsker
Professor, University of Michigan - Wayne Pipke
Retired, none - Annette Pirrone
teacher, CTA - Jocelyn Pitman
Labor Representative, ONA - Helen Pitton
Retired educator, Fresno Unified and Cal Poly - Maria Pizarro
Social Worker, Independent - Marilyn Pizzardi
teacher, retired teacher - Jan Plaza
Associate Professor in Computer Science, SUNY Plattsburgh - Marianne Plenn
Parent, Grandparent, Volunteer, None - Maria Plochocki
Adjunct Assistant Professor, City University of New York - Ira Plutzker
Retired, UFT - Roger Podewell
Professor Emeritus, CCCTU - Patricia Poggi
Retired faculty, CUNY - Maryann Polesinelli
District 75 Director MLL/ELL Citywide Programs, New York City Department of Education - Michael Polhamus
Teacher, Santa Cruz City Schools - Mary Pollard
Retired teacher, RIAFT - Daniel Polley
Teacher, Cps - Brian Pollock
Retired Teacher, School District of Philadelphia - Mica Pollock
Professor of Education Studies, University of California, San Diego - John Schelling Pollock
English Composition & Rhetoric Instructor, Pollock Editorial Services - Beth Polzin
Program Coordinator, Binghamton University - Melania Popa-Mabe
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina - John Porth
Retired, Retired - Jackson Potter
Teacher, Chicago Teachers Union - robin potter
union lawyer, CTU-AFT - Joey Poundstone
staff, university Buffalo - Maryam Powers
Teacher, Harden Middle School - Henry Prager
Graduate Teaching Assistant, New Mexico Tech - Herman Prager III PhD
Adjunct Professor of Government, Austin Community College - Anastasia Pratt
Professor, SUNY Empire State College - William Predun
Physician, Stony Brook University Hospital - Carl Prellwitz
Retired Financial Advisor, none - Stephen Preskill
Writing Consultant, Columbia University - Melissa Prest
Director of EOP & Multicultural Affairs, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Janet Price
Senior program director, Institute for Student Achievemenr - Doris Price Webb
PAS, SUNY Upstate - Wendy Prince
Evening Library Supervisor, SUNY Brockport - Kevin Pristash
Director of Corey Union, SUNY Cortland - Mary Ann Privitera
Retired school social worker, CEA-Retired - Vincent Prohaska
Professor of Psychology, Lehman College, CUNY - Ellen Pulido
Teacher, APS - Timothy Pytell
Professor, California State University San Bernardino - Mira Queen
instructor, CTA - Tucker Quetone
Teacher, Rochester Education Association - Victoria Quigley
Clinical laboratory technologist retired, SUNY Stony Brook - Ed Quinn
Chapter President Stony Brook, United University Professions - David Quolke
Retired Teacher, CTU-R - J R
Teacher, Retired - Rosamond Rabinowitz
teacher, Boston teachers union retired teachers - Eric Rader
Professor, Henry Ford Community College Federation of Teachers, Local 1650 - Robin Radlauer-Cramer
Teacher, Poway Unified - Yvie Raij
Teacher, SFUSD - Linda Rainforth
Associate Director, Buffalo State College - Anthony Rainone
Retired Teacher, RIFT/Retired - Jacob R. Raitt
Consultant Pharmacist, Retired , N/A - Susan Ramlo
Professor, University of Akron - Elizabeth Ramsay
Associate Professor, Sr., Miami Dade College - THEIL RAMSBEY
retired teacher, Warwick, RI, AFT - Barb Randall-Saleh
ParaEducator, American Federation of Teachers - jim randels
retired teacher, united teachers of new orleans, AFT Local 527 - Diane Raptosh
Professor, College of Idaho - Maryani Rasidjan
Lecturer, UC Berkeley - Sheldon Raskin
Retired Teacher, UFT - Katrina Rasmussen
Teacher, Dallas ISD - Shannon Rasmussen
Teacher, Federal Way Public Schools - Alex Ratkowski
Professor, Buffalo State College - Anthony Rau
Teacher, NYC DOE - Diane Ravitch
Author, NYU - Queenella Ravitch
Teacher, None - Peter Rawitsch
Teacher, retired, "When public schools reopen..." Facebook group - Glenn Rawson
Professor of Philosophy, Rhode Island College - Anne Raybin
Prof., retired, SBU @ Stony Brook - R Raymond
Program Advisor, CSU - robert raymond
teacher, forest lake school district, MN - Patrick Rayner
Teacher, Montgomery County Education Association - Toni Rayner
Citizen, Americans - Teresa Razo
Teresa Razo, San Antonio Alliance -Local #67 - Meri Re
Adjunct & specialist, Mjc - Linda Rea
retired librarian, non - Nancy Rea
Retired, Retired - Felizitas Reby
Teacher, Miami Dade County Public Schools - Maureen Reddy
Professor, Rhode Island College - fritzi redgrave
nurse, none - FRANCIA REED
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Sally Reibstein
Teacher, Philadelphia School District - John Reich
Lecturer, Buffalo State College - Rebecca Reid
Retired faculty member, State University of New York at Cobleskill - Anne Reiley
Retired Teaher, Retired - Gail Reilly
Enrollment Services Regional Recruiter, SUNY - Hilary Reilly
Science Content Specialist, NYS United Teachers' Association - Fernando reimers
Professor, Harvard university - Arnie Reisman
Writer, columnist, poet, Retired - Jody Reiss
Retired teacher, NYC DOE - Jacob Remes
Clinical Associate Professor of History, New York University - Robert Rendo
Assistant Principal, Public Schools - L Resnick
teacher, NYSUT - Mitchel Resnick
Professor, MIT Media Lab - Harry Resnick
Retired Teacher, UFT - Sendhil Revuluri
Vice President, Chicago Board of Education - Adrian Reyna
Teacher, San Antonio Alliance/SAISD - Laurie Reynolds
Retired teacher, SASD - Cathy Rice
Teacher, Private church school - Philip Rich
None, None - Jennifer Richard
Parent, None - Donald Richard
retired, RIFT/R - Gabe Richard
Teacher, aps - Betty Richards
Adjunct Instructor, Henry Ford College - Caroletta Richardson
Elementary Teacher, Prince Georges County Maryland - David Richardson
Professor, State University of New York at New Paltz - Radha Jill Richmond-Covey
Psychotherapist, LifeWork - Michael Riggioi
Retired, Non affiliated - Paul Riley
Medical device marketing, Industry - Carol Ring
Retired music teacher, Teachers Retirment System of Illinois - Mike ritchie
professor, Queensborough Community College - Donna Rittner
Retired teacher, NYC bd Of ed - Vanessa Rivers
Retired, NYCBOfED - Moshe Roberts
Assistant professor, Upstate - Walter Robertson
Teacher, AFT - Bill Robins
Retired, SUNY Empire State - Janise Robinson
Special Educator, TFT 1085 - Elaine Robinson
professor, Yuba Community College - Tyshun Robinson
Administrative assistant, Austin Community College District - Cheryl Robison
Retired MT(ASCP), None - Robert Robson
retired, UAW - Joseph Robustelli
Educational Administrator, SUNY Cobleskill - Frank Roder
resident, AFT 3600 Retired - Jaime Rodriguez
Federation President, AFT-Oregon - April Rodriguez
Teacher, California Public Schools - John Rogers
Professor of Education, UCLA - Rebecca Rogers
Teacher, San Francisco Unified School District - Jack Rogers
Retired teacher, State of WV - Meredith Rohr
Attorney, McAfee - Rebecca Rokey
Staff, HI - David Rollins
Federal employee, Army - Alexander Rolnick
Teacher, CPS - Patrick Romain
Counselor, UUP - Andrew Romanelli
Special Education Teacher, Hopewell Valley Central HS, Pennington, New Jersey - Dorothy Rombo
Associate Prof, SUNY Oneonta - Nicole Romero
School Counselor, NMPED - Christine Romero
Educational Diagnostician, Albuquerque Public Schools - Aldo Romero de la Torre
Director Teacher Prep Program, University of Northern Colorado - Tom Rooney
Professor, Wright State University - Anne Roschelle
Professor, SUNY New Paltz - Gail Rose
Teacher, Rowland Hall School - Vanessa Rose
Teacher, Fayetteville Manlius Schools - Connie Rose-Swackhamer
Teacher, Denver Public Schools - Michelle Rosecrans
Program Coordinator, Sobrato Early Academic Language - Helene Rosen
Retired Teacher, AFT - Martin E. Rosenberg
Scholar, New Centre for Research and Practice - Joy Rosenberry Chase
Substitute Teacher, Verona Area School District - Gavriel Rosenfeld
Professor of History, Fairfield University - Sophia Rosenfeld
Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania - lynne rosenfield
sales, n/a - Neal Rosengren
Teacher, Ponderosa High School - Debbie Rosenman
retired teacher, Troy School District - Michele Rosenow
Teacher, Local 604 - Elizabeth Rosenthal
retired teacher, Seattle Public Schools - Bill Rosenthal
Former Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Michigan State University - Crystal Rosey
School Counselor, Hampton City Schools - Ruth Ross
Retired, Retired - Nikisha Ross
Unemployed, None - Tricia Ross
Resident Assistant Professor, Creighton University - Megan Rossman
Assistant Professor, SUNY Purchase - bonnie roth
retired teacher, LAUSD - Shannon Roth
Teacher, Eastern Mennonite School - shannon roth
Director of Research Integrity & Compliance, Portland State University - Sean Rotkowitz
Teacher, NYC DOE - Lonnie Rowell
Assoc. Professor (Ret.), University of San Diego - Donna Rowland
Teacher, Lincoln Teachers' Association - Pamela Rowley
High School Social Studies Teacher, North Colonie CSD - Allen Rozelle
Retired teacher., International School of Geneva - shawn rubel
math teacher, NYC DOE - Deborah Rubin
MSW Admissions Director, Lehman College Dept. of Social Work - Laurie Rubin
Teacher, Shoreline Unified School District - JoAnn Rubin
Teacher, Pinewoods montessori - Anna Rubin
Special Education Teacher, The Help Group - Deborah Rubin
MSW Admissions Director, Lehman College Dept. of Social Work - Sheila Rucki
Professor, Metropolitan State Faculty Federation - Renee Ruderman
Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver - Rosemerry Rudesal
Teacher, Hudson High School - sharon ruetenik
educator, SUNY Delhi - Renee Ruffino
Creative Director, University at Buffalo - John Ruhl
Research Scientist (retired), government - Steve Ruis
Professor Emeritus, American River College - Sue Rummel
Professor Emerita, UUP - Edmond Rusjan
Professor, SUNY Poly - Edmond Rusjan
Professor, SUNY Poly - Robert Russel
Retired, N/A - Carlton Russell
retired, Retired - Michael Russell
homemaker, Home - Gordon Russell
H.S. Band Director, Music Ed., Retired - Somers Faculty Assoc. - David Russell
Teacher, Boston Teachers Union - Jane Russell
President, West Suburban Teachers Union - Frances Rust
Teacher & Professor, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA - Jonathan Rust
Associate Professor of Psychology and Counselor Education, SUNY New Paltz - Amy Rutenberg
Assistant Professor, Iowa State University - Robert Rutkowski
n/a, n/a - Ronald Rutzinski
none, none - Cynthia Rybaltowski
Bursar's staff, State University of New York Empire State College - Harriet Rzetelny
Retired Professor, Hunter College of Social Work - Anna Saavedra
Research Scientist, University of Southern California - Abraham Sabbas
Professor, SUNY@Farmingdale College - Myra Sabir
Professor, Binghamton University - Benjamin Sackmary
Professor Emeritus, SUNY Buffalo State - RAFAT SADA
Amissions Advisor, SUNY - Adrienne Sader
Student Success & Development Specialist, SUNY Empire State College - PHYLLIS SAFMAN
Adjunct professor - retired, retired - Nadine Said
Teacher, Santa Cruz City Schools - Joan Salazar
Retired, Retired - Katherine Salazar
None, None - Bill Sallak
Associate Professor of Music, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay - Rosemary Salomone
Professor of Law, St. John's University School of Law - stanley salus
retired, retired - Patricia Samarco
adjunct lecturer, SUNY Oneonta - Washington Sanchez
Teacher, UFT - Carolyn Rita Sanchez
Retired teacher, Aft - Elizabeth Sanders
Dean of Transition Services, Franklin Academy - Kate Sanders
Professor Emerita, Rhode Island College - Jean Sanders, Ed.D.
retired faculty, U. MA and Merrimack Research Center, retired - Nancy Sands
Special Education Teacher, Billerica Public Schools - Joyce Sanseverino
Teacher, C - Ramona SantaMaria
Associate Professor, SUNY Buffalo State - Philip Santarelli
CPA, Baker Tilly - George Santoni
Professor emeritus, SUNYA - Patricia Santoro
Associate Professor of Spanish, Saint Peter's University - Virginia Sapiro
Professor, Boston University - Mary Sapp
Supervisor of Education Programs, NYSED - Cris Sarni
Teacher, Lausd - Randi Sarokoff
Executive Director, School of Special Eucation & Literacy , Kean University - Maureen Saval
Executive Assistant, Retired - Jenny Sazama
Executive Director, Youth on Board - Paul Scatenato
Director of Fine & Performing Arts - retired, Hyde Park Central Schools - Claire Scesney-Lundahl
Retired teacher, Retired - Stuart Schaar
Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College - schaffer
Retired academic, United University Professions - Peggy Schalit
Retired String Teacher, South Colonie Central Schools - Steve Schatz
Retired teacher, CFT - Bruce Schechter
Teacher - Performing Arts (Music, Theatre), Various Schools and after school programs - Cheryl Schenk
Retired Teacher, Chicago Teachers - Cheryl Schenk
Retired Teacher, Chicago Teachers - Nick Schiff
Professor, School of Visual Arts - S. Rose Schiowitz
Dual Language Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Katherine Schlender-Adams
College Student Teacher Supervisor, Edgewood College - Pete Schlieker
Educator, Big Pine High School - Liora Schmelkin
Distinguished Professor Emerita of Psychology, Hofstra University - Emily Schnee
Professor, Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York - Cathy Schneider
Professor, American University - Nary-Jane Schneider
assistant dean emeritus, U. at Albany, S - Peter Schneider
Professor of Practice, University of Mass. Boston - Mark Schnittman
Professor of Chemistry, Farmingdale State College - Morton Schoolman
Professor, Political Science, SUNY Albany - Susan schrager
Retired, Co - Judy Schram
Librarian, Aft - Sanford Schram
Professor, Hunter College, CUNY - Jacob Schroder
Professor, University of New Mexico - Stephanie Schroeder
Assistant professor, Penn State University - Gretchen Schuessler
Teacher, United Educators of San Francisco - Sheryl Schuhose
Teacher, UFT - Jason Schulman
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science, PSC-CUNY/AFT 2334 - Arleen Schultz
Retired (high school counselor), Retired Educators of Georgia - william schultze
Instructional Technician, SUNY - Pamela Schulze
Professor, University of Akron - John Schumacher
Librarian, State University of New York / UUP AFT 2190 / retired - PETER SCHUMACHER
Retired, Mr - John Schumacher
Librarian, State University of New York / UUP AFT 2190 / retired - Cathy Schumaker
Retired high school Spanish Teacher, Newark Catholic High School - David Schuster
Interim AUL - Libraries, Binghamton Univeristy - James Schwab
Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK ALBANY - Melanie Schwaner
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Jeff Schwartz
Special Education Teacher, Broward County Public Schools - VICTOR SCHWARTZ
FOUNDER, V.O.S. SELECTIONS - chloe schwartz
alumnae, University of Pennsylvania - Tallulah Schwartz
Assistant to the Director, Meislin Projects - Gary Schwartz
Professor, Single Frame Films - Kristina Schwarzkopf
Paraprofessional, Toledo Federation of Teachers - Tom Schwegler
retired educator, Metropolitan Community Colleges of Kansas City, Mo. - Margaret Schweigert
Clinical instructor, Stony Brook University - Marie Sciangula
Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, Purchase College, SUNY - Richard Scoles
Retired Teacher, AFT - Rosemarie Scullion
Associate Profesor, University of Iowa - Pamela Scully
Professor and Vice Provost, Emory University - Natasha Seaman
Professor, Rhode Island College - Shaun Secaur
Broadcast engineer, UUP - John See
Researcher, writer, former math teacher, JRS Consulting - Leslie Seefeldt
History Teacher, educator - Joshua Seff
Adjunct Faculty, Dallas College - Shira Segal
Professor, SUNY - Scott Segar
University Instruction Specialist, State University of New York College at Oneonta - Jenifer Selzer
Teacher, St. Mark Catholic School - Melissa Semione
Academic Planning Coordinator, SUNY Oswego - rosemry senger
Teacher, retired - Saumendra Sengupta
Professor, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Victoria Serecin
Teacher, NYC, DoE - Kristi Seston
Teacher, School District of Menomonee Falls - Regina Sewell
adjunct professor, SUNY New Paltz - Mary Shackelford
Teacher, retired, FREA, HCEA - Robert Shaffer
Professor of History Emeritus, Shippensburg University - Katharine Shank
Baker, Albertsons Inc - Jennie Shanker
Adjunct Associate Professor, Temple Assoc Univ. Professionals, AFT 4531 - Art Shapiro
Retired teacher, Portland OR Public Schools - ellene shapiro
THINKER, Trillinista Party of Bannockburn - Gary Shapiro
Professor Emeritus pf Philosophy, University of Richmond - Susan Sharfstein
Professor, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Miriam Sharick
instructor, SUNY Delhi - Norma Sharp
Special Educator, DCF Regional School Wanaque Campus - Jana Shea
Science Teacher, BCSD - BC SHELBY
Retired, NA - Michael Shelly
Environmental Economist, University at Buffalo - Patricia Shelly
Dir. Community Engagement, School of Social Work, University at Buffalo - Jim Shelton
School board member, Vinita Public Schools - Robert Shepherd
Teacher, Praxis - Robert Shields
Adjunct Prof., Shoreline Comm. Coll. - Wendy Shields
Faculty Affiliate, University of Montana - Kim Shively
Former teacher, La Crosse Schools - Loretta Shiver
Teacher, ATF - Marci Shore
Associate Professor of History, Yale University - Dan Shore
Assistant Professor, Boston Conservatory at Berklee - Martin Shuster
Professor, Goucher College - marcia Sibony
Comm. Coll. asst. Prof., AFT 1521 - Mary Jo Sicurella
Academic Advisor, SUNY at Buffalo - Sheila Siegel
Retired piano teacher, Self employed - Daniel Siegel
Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Downstate Health Sciences University - Chris Sielaff
Labor Organizer, United University Professions - Richard Sigal
Assistant Director, Stony Brook University - Michael Sileno
IT PM, NC A&T State University - Donna Silsbee
Associate Professor, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - VANDERLEI SILVEIRA
Professor, Grupo Marista - Elizabeth Silver
Production manager, Stony Brook U Staller Center for the Arts - Michael Silverberg
Associate Professor Emeritus, Stony Brook University - Sara Silverstein
Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut - Scott Silverstone
Professor of International Relations, United States Military Academy at West Point - Cynthia Simon
adjunct professor, multiple colleges - Nicole Simon
University Director, CUNY - Bruce Simon
Professor, United University Professions - David Simon
Senior Lecturer, Yale University - Rebecca Simons
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Helen Simpkins
Retired Educator, CHE-NJ - Katherine Simpson
Teacher, Boston Public Schools - Edward Sinay
Reimbursement Manager, University Hospital at Syracuse - Tara Singer-blumberg
Labor relations rep, NYSUT - Manisha Sinha
Professor, University of Connecticut - Lynne Siqueiros
Retired educator, PVFT - Yvonne Siu-Runyan
Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado - Jamie Slenker
Associate Professor, University of New Haven - James Sliger
retired, n/a - Susan Sloan
Retired educator, Los Angeles Unified School District - Sam Slotnick
professor, SUNY at New Paltz - Meredith Slough
Teacher, NEA - Sarah Small
teacher, Douglas County School District - Suzanne Smartt
retired teacher, --None-- - Karena Smestad
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Betsy Smith
reitred adjunct professor of ESL, Cape Cod Community College - Donna Marie Smith
Teacher, UFT - retired - Ruth Smith
Retired professor, Retired - Robert Smith
Retired teacher, retired - Michael Smith
Teacher, Redlands USD - David L. Smith
Teacher, uwsp - Nancy Smith
Professor (retired), AFT 1521 LA College Faculty Guild - Bernard Smith
academic professional, SUNY Empire State - Gerri Smith
Teacher, RIAFTR - Theresa Smith
Assistant Professor, SUNY Buffalo State - David Smith
Professor of Philosophy, University of New England - Laura Smith
Teacher, Dasd - Helmut Smith
Professor of History, Vanderbilt University - Kris Smole
Higher Ed Advocate, Self - Marilyn Sneiderman
Professor and Executive Director, CIWO, Rutgers University - Susan Snipes-Wells
Farmer, Snipes Farm - Theodore C. Snyder
Retired Teacher, UTLA/AFT - Brad Snyder
Science Teacher/Outdoor-Environmental Educator, Middle Schools/YMCA - Andrew Snyder
Teacher, Harvest Collegiate HS - Gloria Snyder
Retired, Retired - Bretony Snyder
Criminal justice, None - Warren Snyder
Retired, Mountain Bell - Emily Snyder
University Administrator, Stony Brook University - Christine Snyder
Retired educator, Retired - Mary Snyder
Teacher, Cathedral Catholic High School - Robert Snyder
professor emeritus, Rutgers University-Newark - John Soden
Faculty, Department of Philosophy, Houston Community College - David Soliday
Instructional Technologist, Ohio Wesleyan University - José Solís
Teacher, SFUSD - Joseph B Solodow
Lecturer in Classics, Yale University - Claire Solomon
Associate Professor, Oberlin College - Jeffrey Solow
Professor, Temple University Philadelphia PA - Jeffrey Sommers
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Phil Sorensen
Retired teacher, NEA BATs - Elise Sosenko
Retired Spanish Teacher.G. W.Hewlett High School, HWFAR , NYSUT - David Verne Sowards
Adjunct Professor, Montgomery College and University of Maryland Global Campus - Robert Spang
Reservist, Fema - Kurt Speidel
retired teacher, AFT - Rusty Spell
Assistant Professor of English, Alabama State University - Ruth Spencer
Professor, CCNY - Amy Spencer
Retired Educator, Retired California Teacher Association - Barry Spielvogel
Retired teacher, AFT - James Spiller
Professor of History, SUNY Brockport - Richard Spindler
Professor, SUNY Plattsburgh - Catherine Spolarich
Student, Cornell University - TRICIA SPRINGER
Technology Teacher, Emerson Elementary School - Michelle Springer
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Fred Squires
office, CLRCA - Nancy St Germain
Ms, The - Burton St. John III
Professor of Public Relations, University of Colorado-Boulder - Matthew Staab
Teacher, Portland Public Schools - Rick Stack
Prof., AU - Jared Stallones
Professor and Chair, University of Kentucky Department of Curriculum and Instruction - Wayne Stalsworth
retired teacher, none - Liberty Stanavage
Associate Professor, SUNY Potsdam - Dr. Khalifa Stanford
TEACHER, United Teachers of Dade - Mary Ann Stankiewicz
Emeritus Professor, Penn State University - Benjamin Stanley
Teacher, APS - Jason Stanley
Professor, Yale University - Vytautas Starikovičius
Lecture, Vilnius University - Vytautas Starikovičius
Lecture, Vilnius University - Jojn Starr
Physician/teacher/retired, VA tech Carilion Medical School - Paul Stasi
Associate Professor of English, SUNY Albany - Paul Stasior
Social Worker, UUP - Melisande Statz-Hill
Adjunct Professor, Park University - Ivan Steen
Professor, United University Professions - Linda Steinmann
Assistant Professor, Queens College CUNY - Richard Stempniak
Professor, SUNY - John Stephens
Professor of Political Science and Sociology, University of North Carolina - Joan Stephenson
Teacher (retied), Cohoes Teachers Association - Sharon Stern
Retired school psychologist, PEER - Sara Robin Stevens
adjunct professor, Crafton Hills College - Thomas Stewart
Research Professor Emeritus, University at Albany, SUNY - Philip Stewart
Professor of Romance Studies Emeritus, CAH382286736 - Jonathon Stickford
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Appalachian State University - Patricia Stokke, EdD, MA, PHR
Business Associate Faculty, West Valley College - Walter Stone
Professor emeritus political science, UC Davis - Virginia Stone-Meyer
Retired teacher, Orta - Katy Stonebloom
Teacher (retired), Trustee emeritus, Cabrillo College Governing Board - Annette Straubinger
Retired, Obviously none - Janice Strauss
Professor, UUP - Tom Strawman
ret. prof., Middle Tennessee State University - Karen Strickland
Union President, AFT Washington - Foster J Stringer Jr
Retired - National Staff, Retired-Former AFT Dir of Human Rights & Community Relations Dept - Jennifer Stringfellow
Associate Professor, Eastern Illinois University - Tracy Strong
Professor, Uni Southampton/UCSD - Helene Stronger
Retired Teacher, NYC DEPARTMENT of EDUCATION - Jonathan Strouse
Teacher, Diocese of Columbus - Linda Stulz
Retired educator/ administrator, None - Andrea Stupp
Teacher, North Colonie School District - Lin Sturges
Professor, SUNY Maritime College - Muralidhara Subbarao
Professor, Stony Brook University - Susan Sugarman
Professor of Psychology, Princeton University - Stephen Sulich
Assistant Professor of Music, Concordia College - Moorhead MN - Ava Sullivan
Executive Assistant, SUNY Upstate Medical University - Danielle Sullivan
Third grade teacher, BFT of AFT MA - amy sultan
arts educator, To Be Heard Foundation - Megan Sumeracki
Associate Professor of Psychology, Rhode Island College - Tessa Sundaram
Middle school teacher, Oregon Episcopal School - Louise Sundin
Trustee, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities - Susann Suprenant
Instructor, Metropolitan Community College - Kim Sutherland
Teacher, AFT New Mexico - Gail Sutherland
Retired professor, LSU - Donald Sutherland
Administrator, Lehman College - Joanna Swanger
Professor, Peace & Global Studies, Earlham College - Melissa Swann
University Staff; Adjunct Faculty, Lipscomb University - Claudia Swansey
School Board Officer/Board of Directors, Woodward Children's Center - Dana Swanson
Teacher, Douglas County Federation - Rev. James Swarts
Retired Adjunct Professor, SUNY Geneseo - Harry Swensen
Retired, None - Sheila Swigert
Retired Teacher, Millburn HS, Millburn NJ - Arlene Szalay
Retired teacher librarian, Davis School District - Maria Szasz
Term Faculty, University of New Mexico - JANKA SZILAGYI
professor of mathematics education, SUNY Brockport - Bob Tabachnick
Professor Emerius, U of Wisconsin-Madison - Ellen Tabor, MD
Associate Professor, SUNY-Downstate Medical School - Emily Tabuteau
Professor of History, Michigan State University - Debra Takehara
field services director, Illinois Federation of Teachers - Norman R Tankiewicz
Teacher - retired, AFT 857R - Judith Tanur
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emerita, Stony Brook University - Phyllis Tashlik
Director, Center for Inquiry, NYPSC - Cheryl Taylor
Teacher, AFT Michigan - Kathleen Taylor
Lecturer, SUNY Poly - Gordon Taylor
Professor, Stony Brook University - Carolyn Taylor
Retired teacher, Montgomery County Education Association MD - John Teeter
Professor of Law, St. Mary's University - BENJAMIN TEMKIN
English Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Michelle Terrell
Teacher, Catapult Learning - Betsy Terrell
Teacher, Retired - Philip Terrie
Emeritus Professor, Bowling Green State University - Lorena Tesbir
Teacher, DPS - Jack Tessier
Professor, SUNY Delhi - Jane Theisen
Speech-Language Pathologist, Taylor School District - Kelly Theisen
Professor, SUNY-Plattsburgh - Margaret Therriault
Teacher, Boone Elementary School - Sofis Thomas
Paraprofessionsl, District #86 - Eduvijen Thomas
Teacher, Retired, Thomas Farms - Marilyn Thompson
retired teacher, CEA - Maureen Thompson
University Staff, SUNY DOWNSTATE - Jack Thompson
History Teacher, Seattle Public Schools - Mary Thornton
Retired teacher, Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools - kimberly Tiberio
Representive benefits, United University Professions - Jonathan Titus
Professor, SUNY-Fredonia - Bill Tiwald
Retired Teacher, AFT, New Mexico - Bethany Tobia
Teacher, AFT-MA - Mary Todd
Executive Director, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi - Elizabeth Todd-Breland
Professor of History, University of Illinois at Chicago - Lorraine Todisco
Director, School of Business, SUNY Old Westbury - Cornelia Tolbert
Techer, St. Louis Public Schools - Joanne Tolles
Teacher, Danbury Public Schools - Marianna Tomasino
Retiree Adjunct professor, SUNY Cobleskill - Michael Tomczyszyn
Teacher, American Federation of Teachers - Melissa Tomlinson
Teacher, Badass Teachers Association - Damon Tomm
Retired Educator, Mesa Public Schools - Debbie Topping
OT, CCPS - Robin Torpey
Professor, SUNY Alfred State College - Jason Torre
Assoc. Librarian, Stony Brook University Libraries - Jennifer Torres
Teacher, Chicago Public Schools - Matthew Totaro
Teacher, CCSD - Jacqueline Trace
professor, SUNY - Christi Trail
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Loan Tran
Retired Senior, None - Paula Trask
Admin. Assist., SUNY Oneonta - Ken Tray
Retired Teacher, United Educators of San Francisco - phil TRAYNOR
Retired, Peace Fresno - Meghan Treacy
Web Architect, SUNY Polytechnic Institute - Leslie Tremayne
School Psychologist, Douglas County School District - Brad Trevathan
Instructor, Culver Academies - Robert Trimarchi
Organizer, United University Professions - j Trinkaus
newspaper editor, retired - Iliana Trobaugh
Teacher, San Antonio Alliance Union - Eduardo Trujillo
Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Vernon Tryon
Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Oswego - Vivian Tseng
Senior Vice President, William T. Grant Foundation - Thomas Tucker
VP for Professionals, United University Professions (UUP) - Jeffrey Tulis
Professor of Government, The University of Texas at Austin - Carole Turbin
retired college professor, SUNY - Laura Turchi
assistant professor, University of Houston - Terry Turley
Labor Leader, American Federation of Teachers - Roy Turrentine
Teacher high school, RT - Theodora Turula
Foundation Administrator, The Selfreliance Foundation of Selfreliance FCU - Sandra Tuthill
Lecturer and Clinical Educator, SLP, SUNY Cortland - sue twidle
Retired Teacher, NJEA - Marla Ucelli-Kashyap
Senior Director, Educational Issues, AFT - Sabitha Umar
Teacher, DPS Dubai - Diana Underwood
Assoc. Prof. Math Ed, Purdue University Northwest - Rachel Urbanowicz
Professor, Misericordia University - Amy Urquhart
Director of the Student Center, SUNY Downstate Medical Center - Beatriz Urrea
Professor, University of Arizona - Todd Vachon
Professor, Rutgers University - Alessandra Vadala
Teacher, NCCL School - tom vafias
Journeyman Electrician, IBEW - Mehdie Vakili
Paraprofessional, Mr. - Elba Valentin
Sr. Staff Assistant, SUNY Downstate Medical Center - John Valetta
Special Projects Accountant, Empire State College of the State University of New York - Jill Van Alstyne
teacher, Helena Public Schools - Thomas van de Steeg
CEO, Freedom Farmer's - Tim Van Deelen
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Els van den Bosch
Student Services Coordinator, Purchase College, SUNY - Ruth Van Dyke
Professor of Anthropology, Binghamton University - SUNY - Jason van Staveren
Instructor, Hudson Valley Community College - Frank Van Zant
Teacher, RVCTA - Patricia Vance
Former Monitor, TUSD - Doris Vanderpool
Attendance Teacher, UFT - Carolyn VandeWiele
Dr., Carolyn - Schuyler VanValkenburg
State Delegate and Civics Teacher, Virginia House of Delegates/Henrico County Public Schools - Alejandra Vargas Warner
Teacher, LAUSD - Dante Varrasso
Teacher, McQuaid Jesuit - Mario Varuzza
Teacher, NYC DOE - Barbara Vaughan
Retired Librarian, Buffalo State College - Richard Veenstra
Professor, UUP Upstate Medical University Chapter - Robert Vellani
teacher, Alamance Burlington School System - Bailey Veloria
Nanny, Nannying - Melissa VerDuin
Custodian, N/A - Kathleen Vernon
Assoc. Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture, Stony Brook University - Karen Verry
Teacher, Salem school district - Michael Vezzali
teacher, Archbishop Riordan High School - mary vidakis
School Guidance Counselor / retired, SLPS - Debi Vigil
Elementary Enrichment Teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Jennifer Villarreal
Teacher, SCCS - Jennifer Villarreal
Teacher, SCCS - Adelaide Villmoare
Professor, retired, Vassar College - Markus Vink
Professor of History, SUNY Fredonia - Diane Virzi
Teacher, Retired - Joseph P. Viteritti
Professor of Public Policy, Hunter College, CUNY - Anne Vittoria
Associate Professor, State University of New York-Cortland - Samantha Vogel
Teacher, San Antonio Independent School District - Maria Volker
Teacher, DCSD/AFT - Patsy Von
Teacher, Uft - Michael Wade
Teacher, Taylor Federation of Teachers - Mary Wade
Administrator, CUNY-SPS - Donna Wade
Teacher, Nhps - Bryan Wagoner
Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Davis & Elkins College - Grace Wahba
Professor of Statistics Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Madison - William Walker
Professor, SUNY Oneonta - Stephen Walker
Professor, Stony Brook University - Greta Walker-ametewee
Ultrasound technologists, Stony brook university medical center - Suzanne Wall
retired teacher, LAUSD - Pamela J. Wallace
Professor, Bard College/Bard Prison Initiative Program - Rangeley Wallace
Practitioner-in-Residence, Washington College of Law Clinical Program - Kevin Walsh
Plate Maker, Dr - Dan Walsh
Counseling Faculty, Ventura College - Dan Walsh
Retired Vet Tech Educator, None - Jamelyn Walsh
Veterinary Technology Educator, Purdue University - Melissa Walsh
Retired teacher, LAUSD - AMBER WALTER
Teacher, Butte School District - Katherine Clark Walter
associate professor, SUNY Brockport - Agnes Walters
Teacher retired, RIAFTR - Teresa Walters
Retired, Travis County Democrats, Austin, TX - Meagan Walton
Educational Assistant, APS - Guirong Wang
Professor, SUNY Upstate Medical University - Stafford Ward
Senior Fellow, Rainey Center for Public Policy - Steven Warfield
Senior Laboratory Technician, SUNY Polytechnic CNSE - Curt Warmington
professor, Pierce College - Connor Warner
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, University of Utah - Scott Warren
CEO, Generation Citizen - Shelina Warren
High School Social Studies Teacher, Law and Public Policy Academy Director, DCPS - Margret Warren
Teacher, Hillsborough County School District - Paula Washington
Teacher (retired), United Federation of Teachers Local 2 - bruce Waterman
Artist, Self - Arlene Waters
Advocate, Ctr. for abuse and rape emergency - Harold Watson
N/A, N/A - Katherine Watson
Assistant Director of Web Sevices, SUNY Empire State College - John Webb
retired teacher, CTA Retired - Terry Weber
Teacher, Urban Academy - Daniel Weber
Teacher, CPS - Dr. Michele Weber
professor, Msjc - David Weber
retired teacher, Phillips Exeter Academy - Cheryl-Ann Weekes
School Counselor, Icsa - Lili Weeks
retired teacher, NYCDOE - Electra Weeks
Professir, SUNY Empire State College - Heidi Weiman
Professor, American Public University - Thomas Weinacht
Professor, Stony Brook University - Carole Weiner
Retired Speech Therapist, Retired - Robert Weingart
former Assistant Professor, Berklee College of Music - Marcia Weinhold
Professor Emerita, Purdue University Northwest - Jane Weinkrantz
Teacher, Plainview Congress of Teachers - Jeff Weintraub
Research Associate, Bryn Mawr College - Dennise Weir
Mom, Casa de Weir - William Weisberger
Professor Emeritus, Stony Brook University - JASON WEISFELD
Teacher, AFT - Stuart Weiss
Retired, none - Meredith Weiss
Professor, University at Albany, SUNY - Joseph Weldon
Teacher, San Juan School - William Welkowitz
Legal Content Specialist, Bloomberg Industry Group - Kathleen Wellman
Professor of History, Southern Methodist University - Everett Weng
Teacher-Retired, United Federation of Teachers - CARLIN WENGER
Retired teacher, PSEA / NEA - Bruce Wentela
Retired Educator, Aft - Darlene Wentworth
Retired Librarian, SUNY Upstate - Vanessa Wentzloff
President, Avondale Education Association - Joseph Wenzel
Teacher, SPPS - Rick Werlin
Retired Deputy Superintendent, Chula Vista Schools - Margaret Wessels
Retired Teacher, CTA - Margaret Wessling
Professor of Physics, Los Angeles Pierce College - Amber West
Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles - Amber West
Lecturer, University of California - R.K. Westwick
Retired, Retired - Dave Whipple
Professor, Consultant, retired - Mary White
teacher, Pittsburgh Public schools - Robbie White
Retired, NLRB - Robin White
Retired teacher, None - Faye W White
Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, SUNY Canton - Linda White
Retire Teacher, Grief Counselor, County of Marin - Jason white
Teacher, Billerica Public Schools - Lonnie White
Teacher, Aft - Melinda Whitford
Research Analyst/Adjunct, University at Buffalo - Andrea Whitlock
Teacher, APS - Nicholas Whitman
Labor Relations Specialist, New York State United Teachers - Janene Whitney
Teacher, Everett Public Schools - Elizabeth Whittingham
adjunct professor, retired, SUNY Brockport - Kathryn Wichelns
Associate Professor, English, University of New Mexico - Landon Wiederstein
Teacher, Douglas County School District - Beverly Wiegand
Teacher, LBUSD - Lori Wienke
Librarian, SUNY Oneonta - Hans Wiersma
Professor, Augsburg University - Kenneth Wierzbowski
Associate Librarian, SUNY Brockport - Gordon Wilder
retired teacher, unemployed - Debra Wilensky
Retired instructor, Aft2121R - Roger williakms
teacher, school - Mark Williams
Ally, N/A - Bill Williams
retired teacher/probation officer, Colorado - Matt Williams
President, Local 4901 -- Minnesota State College Faculty - Martha Williams
Professor, Miami Dade College - Carl Williams
President, Lawndale Federation of Classified Employees - TONYA WILLIAMS
Gifted and Talented Specialist, school district - Naomi R Williams
Assistant Professor, Rutgers University - Kelly Williamson
Professional Staff, SUNY - Jakira Willis
Social worker, LAUSD - John Willis
Associate Professor of History, University of Colorado, Boulder - Prentiss Willson
Attorney, Retired - Ralph Wilson
Retired USN, USN Retired - Judith Wilson
Librarian, Platte Co. School District - Leigh Wilson
Distinguished Service Professor, SUNY Oswego - Amy Wilson
Adjunct Lecturer, State University of New York (SUNY) Cobleskill - Warren Wilson
Teacher, S.U.N.Y. - Richard J. Wilson
Professor of Law Emeritus, American University, Washington College of Law - Jonathan Wilson
Adjunct Instructor in History, Various Universities - Stephanie Wilson-Scott
2nd grade teacher, Albuquerque Public Schools - Drew WIMMER
Lecturer, Purchase College, SUNY - Sam Wineburg
Professor of Education, Stanford University - Doug Wingeier
Professor Emeritus, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary - Sandra Winn
Associate Professor, SUNY Empire State College - RP Withington
Lab Coordinator, SUNY Oneonta - Alan Witt
Research Instruction Librarian, SUNY Geneseo - Lawrence Wittner
Emeritus Professor of History, SUNY/Albany - Tamara Witzl
Educator, Self - Chingling Wo
Professor, English, Sonoma State University - Lowell Wolf
Professor, SUNY - Rachel Wolf
Advocate, Wolfworks - Paula Wolfe
Retired teacher, Lincoln-Sudbury high school - Pamela Wolfskill
Staff Associate, Stony Brook University - Troy Wolfskill
Retired, Stony Brook University - Joan Wollin
teacher librarian, Veterans Memorial Elementary - Ronald Wolniewicz
none, none - Stephen Wolter
Assistant Professor(p/t), & Executive Director, Indiana University, Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands - Carla Womack
Special Educator (retired), IEA-Retired - Suzanne Wood
Retired, Salutation*Suzanne Wood - Santiago Wood
Executive Director, National Association for Bilingual Education - Roger Woodard
Professor of Classics, Department of Classics, University of Buffalo - John Woodin
Adjunct Professor, The University of the Arts - Deanna Woods
Teacher, Retired Active , - Select - - Colleen Woods
Professor, University of Maryland - Laura Wray-Lake
Associate Professor of Social Welfare, University of California, Los Angeles - Katherine Wright
N/A, N/A - James W. Wright
Medical Director, Genworth Financial - Judy Wyman Collette
Professor/ Professional Teaching Staff, SUNY Oswego - Lolly Yacker
Retired, UFT - Eric Yazzie Campbell
Educator, State of New Mexico - Gail Yborra
student, student - C. Yee
N/A, California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control - Joost Yff
Retired professor, Aacte, aote, nea, ccsso, aid, plys - Susan Yoniack
Teacher, BMHS - Stacey York
Instructor, Rochester Community and Technical College - Susan Yost
Educator, Retired - Kimberly Yost
Professor, Notre Dame of Maryland - Gregory Young
Lecturer of Government, SUNY Cobleskill - Ibrahim Yucel
Professor of Interactive Media and Game Design, SUNY Polytechnic - Gerald Zahavi
Professor of History, University at Albany, SUNY - Jeff Zahler
Retired Teacher, United Federation of Teachers Local #2 AFT - Raymond Zahra
Retired Teacher, NEA-Retired - Ali Shehzad Zaidi
Professor, SUNY Canton - Tanya Zanish-Belcher
Director and Archivist, Wake Forest University - Carlos Zarur
Professor, Independent - Paul Zatley
Lab technician, Binghamton Universiry - Isabel Zeff
retired teacher, UFT - Ken Zeichner
Professor Emeritus, University of Washington - Diane Zeman
faculty, citrus college - Otto Zequeira
English and Journalism Teacher, MAST Academy - Steven Zimmerman
Executive Director, Academy of the City Charter School - Mark Zink
Social Worker, Social Worker for the NYC Department of Education and Social Worker for Northwell's Staten Island University Hospital - David Zonderman
Professor of History, NC State University - E Zubrow
Professor, Univ. Buffalo/ UUP - Marsha Zuckerman
retired teacher, UFT - Edward Jadallah
Dean, College of Education, Coastal Carolina Univesity - Celietta Beamon
CTE - Interactive Media, CPS - Taft IT High Cincinnati OH - SEIFE DELKIRO
Professor Emerita of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh - Michelle Etter
Teacher, Freeburg High School - Sue Furey
teacher, Missoula County Public Schools - Daniel Sahille
Teacher, MPS - John Ghertner
Founder, Kids for College - MAGDALENA ROJAS
Teacher, Windham iSD - Kevin Costa
Political Scientist, . - Roberta Wolff
Counselor, Tarrant County College District - MARIE DAVIS
teacher, CMSD - Niki Bulla
Teacher, Amarillo ISD - Janice Nwuke
RETIRED TEACHER, DCEA - Katherine Cassidy
Teacher, CMSD - Marty Conaty
Consultant/Educator, Midwest Learning Solutions - Kristal Aliyas
Teacher, NYC Dept of Education - Barbara Klinnert
Teacher, Windham ISD - Anne Glass
4th Grade ELAR /S.Studies Teacher, Glen Rose Intermediate School - Bethanne Chavez
teacher, Albuquerque Job Corps - Jamie Womack-Williams
Educator, Texas AFT
* Affiliations Listed for Purposes of Identification Only
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