Eugenia Kemble Research Grants

In honor of its founding executive director, the Albert Shanker Institute announces the creation of the “Eugenia Kemble Research Grants Program.”
Since one of Genie’s favorite roles was as a mentor, we believe that it is fitting that these seed grants will be awarded to young scholars who are doing promising work in our focus areas of education, labor and democracy. Although relatively small, these grants can do a lot to assist emerging scholars as they struggle to develop their research into articles for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals.
Tax-deductible donations to this program are welcome. Please make donations through PayPal or by check to the Albert Shanker Institute (555 New Jersey Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20001).
We extend our thanks to those who have contributed. Below are some of the individuals who have already donated in Genie Kemble's honor:
Ann Bardacke
Burnie Bond
Antonia Cortese
Checker Finn
Sara Gay Garland
William Harty
Richard Kahlenberg
Grover Kemble
Sarah "Sally" Kemble
Francine and Dal Lawrence
Edwina and Edward McElroy
Susan Neuman
Patrick Rayner
Edith Shanker
Leroy Sharer
Vicki Thomas
Joao Zacarias