Matthew Di Carlo
Senior Fellow

Matthew Di Carlo is a senior research fellow at the non-profit Albert Shanker Institute in Washington, D.C. His current research focuses on school finance, segregation, and school and teacher accountability. His other projects include research on cross-national political attitudes, work and occupations, and social stratification/inequality.
Matt has a B.A. from Fordham University and a Ph.D. in sociology from Cornell University.
Current Projects
- The School Finance Indicators Database
- School Segregation in Large Urban Districts (NYC | DC | DCmetro)
Selected Publications
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2024. The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems (sixth edition). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, Edmond, Alana, Baker, Bruce D., and Weber, Mark. 2024. State School Finance Profiles 2020-21. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Oberfield, Zachary W. 2023. The Source Code: Revenue Composition and the Adequacy, Equity, and Stability of K-12 School Spending. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2022. The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems (fifth edition). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, Baker, Bruce D., Reist, Kayla, and Weber, Mark. 2022. State School Finance Profiles 2019-20. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2022. Ensuring Adequate Education Funding For All: A New Federal Foundation Aid Formula. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Green, Preston III. 2022. Segregation and School Funding: How Housing Discrimination Reproduces Unequal Opportunity. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, Reist, Kayla, and Weber, Mark. 2021. The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems (fourth edition). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, Baker, Bruce D., Reist, Kayla, and Weber, Mark. 2021. State School Finance Profiles 2018-19. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, Wysienska-Di Carlo, Kinga, Fenelon, Ezechiel, Flood, Kirstyn, Milborn, Emilee, and Rodriguez, Claudia. 2021. Public and Private School Segregation in New York City. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2021. The Adequacy of School District Spending in the U.S.. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, Schneider, Lauren, and Weber, Mark. 2021. The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems (third edition). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, Schneider, Lauren, and Weber, Mark. 2021. State School Finance Profiles 2017-18. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, Schneider, Lauren, and Weber, Mark. 2020. State School Finance Profiles 2016-17. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., and Di Carlo, Matthew. 2020. The Coronavirus Pandemic and K-12 Education Funding. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2020. The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems (second edition). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, and Jama, Bilan. 2019. School Segregation by Race and Ethnicity in the D.C. Metro Area. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2019. School Finance and Teacher Pay Competitiveness. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Baker, Bruce D., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Weber, Mark. 2019. The Adequacy and Fairness of State School Finance Systems. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, and Cervantes, Klarissa. 2018. The Collection and Availability of Teacher Diversity Data: A Survey of 51 State Education Agencies. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew, and Wysienska-Di Carlo, Kinga. 2017. Public and Private School Segregation in the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew. 2017. "Value-Added in Teacher Evaluations." In Greene, Jay P., and McShane Michael O. (eds.) Failure Up Close: What Happens, Why It Happens, and What We Can Learn from It. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Wysienska-Di Carlo, Kinga, and Di Carlo, Matthew. 2016. "Self-interest and Welfare Attitudes in Poland." In Slomczynski, Kazimierz, and Wysmulek, Ilona (eds.), Social Inequality and Life Course: Poland's Transformative Years, 1988-2013. Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Wysienska-Di Carlo, Kinga, Di Carlo, Matthew, and Quintero, Esther. 2016. Teacher Segregation in Los Angeles and New York City. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew. 2015. The Evidence on the "Florida Formula" for Education Reform (policy brief). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Albert Shanker Institute. 2015. The State of Teacher Diversity in American Education. Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Di Carlo, Matthew. 2014. “The Future of Value-Added: From Whether to How.” In Hess, Frederick M., and McShane, Michael Q. (eds.), Teacher Quality 2.0: Toward a New Era in Education Reform. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Wysienska-Di Carlo, Kinga, and Di Carlo, Matthew. 2014. Attitudes toward redistribution and the welfare state in Poland (policy brief). Warsaw: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Di Carlo, Matthew. 2012. “How to Use Value-Added Measures Right.” Educational Leadership 70(3), p. 38-43.
- Jonsson, Jan O., Grusky, David B., Di Carlo, Matthew, and Pollack, Reinhard. 2011. “It’s a Decent Bet that our Children Will be Professors Too.” In Grusky, David B., and Szelenyi, Szonja (eds.), The Inequality Reader, Second edition. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
- Jonsson, Jan O., Grusky, David B., Pollack, Reinhard, Di Carlo, Matthew, and Mood, Carina. 2011. “Occupations and Social Mobility: Gradational, Big-Class, and Micro-Class Reproduction in Comparative Perspective.” In Erikson, Robert, Jantti, Markus, and Smeeding, Timothy (eds.), Intergenerational Mobility Within and Across Nations. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
- Di Carlo, Matthew. 2011. The Evidence on Charter Schools and Test Scores (policy brief). Washington, D.C.: Albert Shanker Institute.
- Jonsson, Jan O., Grusky, David B., Di Carlo, Matthew, Pollack, Reinhard, and Brinton, Mary C. 2009. “Micro-Class Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries.” American Journal of Sociology 114(4), p. 977-1036.
- Weeden, Kim A., Kim, Young-Mi, Di Carlo, Matthew, and Grusky, David B. 2007. “Social Class and Earnings Inequality.” American Behavioral Scientist 50(4), p. 702-737.